
Saturday, September 08, 2007

PF is on its way to calvary – Msiska

PF is on its way to calvary – Msiska
By Patson Chilemba and Lambwe Kachali
Saturday September 08, 2007 [04:00]

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) is on its way to Calvary because of Michael Sata’s dictatorship, former Lusaka deputy mayor Charles Msiska charged yesterday as he resigned from PF. And PF councillors complained that they were compelled to vote for Stephen Chilatu as mayor because of intimidation from the top party leadership on Thursday night.

But PF president Sata said Msiska had been burnt by his ‘democracy’.
Meanwhile, UPND mayoral candidate Jimmy Dons withdrew from the race at the last minute in order to avoid splitting votes with Msiska, whom he opted to support. In an interview after losing elections to Chilatu, Msiska said he had resigned from PF because there was too much dictatorship in the party.

“I’ve always said that the party is full of dictatorial leaders and this is what will kill this party,” Msiska said. “PF is on its way to Calvary because of Michael Sata’s dictatorship. PF is gone because of dictatorial tendencies. I have resigned to join the MMD. I have joined them. After all we find democracy in the MMD. It’s a viable party so I thought I should support them. In this day and age, democracy is the cornerstone. If you continue peddling in the affairs of members of parliament and councillors then the end is near.”

Msiska, who polled 14 votes against Chilatu’s 21, said the elections he lost to Chilatu were not fair. He said he was confident that he would retain his Kabulonga ward 16 if given an opportunity.

Earlier, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said Msiska’s case had been referred to the party’s disciplinary committee because he defied party orders not to contest the position of mayor.

“What has happened is a sign of defiance. Msiska decided to go against the will of the party as expressed in the meeting we held on Wednesday that he should contest the position of deputy mayor and not that of mayor,” Lubinda said. “Msiska did the same last time and got away with it. This time around it won’t be left unchecked.”
Lubinda also warned that PF would trace defiant councillors who voted for Msiska and take disciplinary action against them.
And Sata mentioned councillor Wizza Daka as one of the defiant members. He said Msiska’s perceived democracy had bitten his fingers.

“He has resigned because the MMD sent him. Had he won he would not have resigned. He is going to lose the same seat on the same MMD. That’s a lesson to the other councillors. Msiska has resigned because he can’t swallow his pride,” Sata said
He said PF exercised democracy by coming up with the person they wanted for the position of mayor.
Councillor Mary Phiri was elected deputy mayor.

And Dons withdrew his candidature at the last minute to avoid splitting of votes with Msiska. Dons said there was no democracy in PF and it would be difficult for the party to bring development in their respective wards.
“I was contacted by the councillors about the threats and I thought it was important for me to withdraw so that we support Msiska,” said Dons.

PF sources said Lubinda called and threatened PF councillors against voting for Msiska or Dons. The source said it was disturbing to notice that PF was unable to bring democracy among its members.

“Lubinda was busy calling councillors at about midnight threatening that should any councillor defy the party directives to vote for Chilatu, they will be expelled. So we actually voted under coercion. It was not our wish to vote for Chilatu, we just had no option,” the source said. “The truth is that the elections were not free and fair. There is too much dictatorship in PF.”
The source said as a result of these threats, PF councillors decided to work on a strategy on how to defeat Sata and his colleagues in the top leadership.

“And early this morning (yesterday), we decided that Dons withdraws from the race to avoid division of votes between himself and Msiska,” said the source.

But Lubinda said he only phoned Msiska on Thursday night and not the rest of the councillors as it was alleged.
“I told him that if he continued to defy party directives, then he would face the consequences. But I didn’t coerce any councillors. That is a petty lie,” said Lubinda. “I also called Daniel Chisenga (who contested the position of deputy mayor) to find out if the decision he took to contest for that position was a well-thought one.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Let those councillors know that any party anywhere have common goal whether you like the idea or not. Let Msiska try that with Levy and see what will happen to him.
    There is need to have minimum Garde 12 certificate to stand as councillor. Twanaka with htese illetrates causing unnecessary by elections
