
Thursday, September 20, 2007

(HERALD) Agitate for removal of sanctions, women urged

Agitate for removal of sanctions, women urged
Herald Reporter

ZIMBABWEAN women should rise and rally behind the Government and agitate for the removal of the illegal sanctions that are hurting everyone regardless of political, social or religious affiliation, a recently formed women’s organisation has said. Speaking at a Press conference in Harare yesterday, Women Against Sanctions chairperson Mrs Talent Morogani said the organisation had realised that women were suffering because of the illegal embargo imposed on Zimbabwe by the enemies of the country. The organisation was formed recently as a result of the pain that women were facing because of the illegal sanctions imposed on the country by the West.

"It’s high time women came together and fought for a cause because these sanctions are affecting every woman in this country. As women, we have realised that we are the most affected and we can no longer do our best in terms of development," Mrs Morogani said.

Reverend Mercy Chawora of Christian Faith Church also urged women to rise and fight for the removal of the illegal sanctions.

"As a church, the toll of women who are approaching pastors in search of food assistance has become unbearable. Women should come together in prayers to repel the sanctions that have brought with them negative impacts on women’s lives," Rev Chawora said.

A representative of the organisation from Matabeleland, who was also standing in for women in businesses, said women could no longer afford to produce goods in their enterprises due to foreign currency shortages.

"We are no longer producing soap and peanut butter because we cannot afford to buy parts for our machines that have since broken down," she said.

Mrs Anna Chishowesha, who was representing Women in the Houses, said time had come for women to stand up and go to MDC faction leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai’s house to ask for food so he could denounce the sanctions he called for. These sanctions are cutting across all corners. Women who have been embarking on cross-border trading are no longer getting anything from it because of the sanctions," she said.

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