
Thursday, September 20, 2007

(HERALD) Zanu-PF, MDC okay changes

Zanu-PF, MDC okay changes
Herald Reporter

Constitutional Amendment Bill sails through committee stage

THE Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill Number 18, which seeks to harmonise presidential and parliamentary elections starting next year, yesterday sailed through the committee stage in the House of Assembly with minor amendments. The Bill was scrutinised by the Parliamentary Legal Committee to ascertain whether or not the amendments tabled on Tuesday conformed with the Constitution.

There was no debate yesterday and the 82 Zanu-PF and MDC legislators in the House conceded to the amendments moved by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Cde Patrick Chinamasa. The Bill is expected to be read for the third time today before it is transmitted to the Senate for consideration. Cde Chinamasa urged all Members of the House of Assembly to attend in numbers today and vote for the passing of the Bill.

"I move that the amendment be put to third reading tomorrow (today). There will be voting and all members should be present in sufficient numbers to vote as required by law. We need a two-thirds majority for it to pass," Cde Chinamasa said in his brief address.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Bill Number 18 seeks to increase the House of Assembly membership to 210 from the current 150. It also stipulates that all the members be directly elected by voters registered in the 210 constituencies that will be delimitated following the passage of the Bill.

The Senate will now be comprised of 93 members made up as follows: six Senators per province directly elected by voters registered in the 60 Senatorial constituencies; 10 Provincial Governors appointed by the President in terms of legislation governing the appointment of Governors; the president and deputy president of the Council of Chiefs; 16 chiefs, being two chiefs from each of the provinces other than metropolitan provinces; and five Senators appointed by the President.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission will take over the delimitation of House of Assembly and Senate constituencies and council wards.

There will be a consequent repeal of sections 59 and 60 of the Constitution.

Under the Bill, all four elections for President, House of Assembly, Senate and Local Authorities are to be synchronised and take place on one day to minimise logistical problems.

In determining the limits of council wards, the ZEC will be empowered to ensure that no ward falls into two or more House of Assembly constituencies.

This change introduces a ward voters’ roll and a voter can only cast a ballot in the ward in which he or she is resident and registered as a voter.

The variation percentage from the mean (average) constituency population will be reduced from 25 percent (as per Constitution Amendment Number 18 Bill) to 20 percent as per the current Constitution, which means the status quo is being maintained.

The Parliamentary Committee on Standing Rules and Orders is to be consulted in the appointment of the Public Protector (proposed new name of the Ombudsman’s Office) and Deputy Public Protector as well as the appointment of the chairperson of the proposed Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission.

The Bill also seeks to change the title of the Police Commissioner to Commissioner General of Police. Under him, will be commissioners responsible for operations, finance and administration.

It will introduce the post of Deputy Chief Justice to help ease the burden on the Chief Justice, who has to discharge both administrative and judicial functions, given the expansion the judiciary has undergone since independence.

The Bill is expected to sail through Parliament today as Zanu-PF and the MDC are both supporting it, in a rare show of unity between the two major political parties.

The amendments introduced by Cde Chinamasa on Tuesday were a result of the talks between Zanu-PF and MDC.

Both parties applauded the Bill, saying it should be the beginning of future collaboration to deal with the challenges facing Zimbabwe.

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