
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

(HERALD) Tsvangirai’s intolerance disgusting

Tsvangirai’s intolerance disgusting

EDITOR — Allow me to express my utter disgust at the level of intolerance that has been exhibited by MDC faction leader Morgan Tsvangirai regarding his unilateral dissolution of the Lucia Matibenga women’s assembly executive, and the subsequent imposition of another led by Theresa Makone.

Tsvangirai and his henchmen, the so-called Kitchen cabinet in the opposition faction do not tolerate divergent views and it is known that the conspiracy to remove Matibenga was hatched at Tsvangirai’s house with the aid of his friends. May be a brief history to the conspiracy will help the distant observer.

Tsvangirai and his Kitchen cabinet hatched the plan to replace Lucia Matibenga from the chair of the faction’s national women’s assembly over allegations of financial mismanagement, way back in June/July. This was after the continuously delusional factional leadership’s overtures for unity with the Mutambara faction were robustly rebuffed by Arthur Mutambara, who described their factional differences as too wide, but mostly over Tsvangirai’s insatiable appetite for power and renowned dictatorial tendencies.

Soon after the public rejection of any possible unity by the Mutambara faction, there were reports of witch hunting in the Tsvangirai faction with suspicion that top members of the executive were supping with adversaries in the other faction.

To this end Matibenga was targeted for removal using allegations of misuse of campaign funds. Sekesai Masekesa, the national organising secretary in the women’s assembly was also set to get the boot at a women’s assembly congress that was slated for September, but had to be pushed forward to allow for the conspiracy against Matibenga to thicken.

Theresa Makone who together with Susan Tsvangirai were behind the manoeuvres to remove the duo as she was interested in taking over the women’s group which she claims have failed to match the exuberance of the Zanu-PF women’s league.

A hastily organised commission of enquiry was instituted to investigate Matibenga and Masekesa over the allegations of financial misappropriation. Sipepa Nkomo, a sworn ally of Theresa Makoni chaired the commission, which comprised Paurina Gwanyanya and Professor Elphus Mukonoweshuro.

After the allegations against Matibenga failed to stick and proved unpopular in the party, Tsvangirai, his wife and the Makones with the collusion of Biti, who should have known better that the move was unconstitutional, decided to dissolve Matibenga’s executive.

It is a pain to imagine what will happen to Zimbabwe if the people were to entrust Tsvangirai with the custody of our heritage. Tsvangirai’s propensity for gaffes of this nature is fast becoming legendary considering the background surrounding the splitting of the MDC ostensibly over participation in the senate election.

He needs to be exposed for what he really is, a dictator who must never be allowed anywhere near State power. Those who move around waving dubious democratic credentials, only to fail to manage small opposition parties can not claim any right to want to rule this country.

With the harmonised elections just around the corner, the people should emphatically reject stooges who intend to mutate to the core of our society. Because the MDC leader has been exposed as a surrogate in the wider conspiracy against Zimbabweans in the so-called regime change agenda, he intends to surround himself with fellow stooges who will sing to the whims of his masters without question

John Mhaka.


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