
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

(HERALD) Zimind is neither Zimbabwean nor Independent — Chakaodza

Zimind is neither Zimbabwean nor Independent — Chakaodza

BORNWELL Chakaodza is a man of many colours. He is former Editor of The Herald (1998 to 2000), former director of information, former short-lived Managing Director of Zimpapers and former secretary for information for Zanu PF Mashonaland Central Province. When he was booted from The Herald he spent a few years in the cold before joining The Standard published by Trevor Ncube, a man he had lampooned with relish.

Not only that, he began using the same media he had despised, embracing the values and systems he had loathed in his days in Government and at The Herald. Most importantly, he began attacking the system he had been part of, and which he had defended so tenaciously at the height of fall out between Zimbabwe and London. Today his favourite pastime is throwing potshots at the Government, progressive Zimbabweans who support it, and The Herald, for articulating Government policy. Today we reproduce two editorials Chakaodza wrote during his short tenure as editor of The Herald, pieces

(The Herald February 23 1999)

DID you see the long columns in The Zimbabwe Independent taking The Herald to task for daring to criticise the South African and British media — accomplices in deconstructing Zimbabwe? We do not regard those foreign media as sacred cows. We respect them when they treat our country with respect but if they behave like lunatics, we treat them as such.

The Rhodesian owners of The Zimbabwe Independent cut their teeth in the Cold War and, unfortunately, got their teeth stuck and fossilised there. Despite having English as their mother tongue, they are so unimaginative to the extent of not finding more appropriate language to describe The Herald. All they can do is hark back to the Cold War for inspiration. Wake up, Rhodesian Dinosaurs! The Cold War is dead, so is Pravda. Poor good old Trevor, the acceptable face of the beast, the mega lips of the monster!

I used to take pride in invoking Voltaire’s now hackneyed declaration: "I disagree with you but will defend to the death your right to say it". It is impossible to make that invocation in defence of my good old friend, Trevor he is a hopeless basket case, fallen over the top.

"Independent" Independent had the temerity to tell us what we should write, even the questions we should ask in our interviews. Those dinosaurs frozen on the Kopje do not have the slightest understanding of the basic tenets of the operations of the media in a free atmosphere: a variety of facts, analyses, interpretations and opinions petition in the market place. Put simply, we write what we believe our readers want to read, you do the same for your readers.

You ask your own questions in your own interviews and write your own stories. Trevor, you only betray your, nay, your handlers’, fascist tendencies, when you try to prescribe to other media how they should write.

Did you hear Muckraker saying there is nothing wrong with The Herald supporting the Government? The obese lunatic lies. The ignoramus is not aware that, worldwide, newspapers can openly support a Government or political party. He has retched and vomited gallons of bile railing at The Herald’s supporting the Government.

The Herald does not publish "a lot of stories" on crime in South Africa as Muckraker alleges. The term "a lot" means "great number or quantity" (Longman English Dictionary 1998). The fat bum lies in a silly attempt to support his biases. Trevor, ask your Rhodesian handlers to help you with the English language.

The Zimbabwe Independent questions the legitimacy of President Kabila’s government, saying he came to power through the gun and that nobody elected him. What biased stupidity!

Trevor, did you elect Museveni and Bizimungu? Are the monarchical governments of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia illegitimate because they were not elected? The Ugandan and Rwandese invasion of the DRC in support of rebels is what is legitimate? It is a pity that The Zimbabwe Independent is neither Zimbabwean nor Independent.

Muckraker is an inconsistent lunatic on the rampage. He declares that, in contrast to President Kabila; President Mugabe was "elected through a secret ballot system". Yet most of his vitriol has been aimed at convincing people that President Mugabe’s Government is not legitimate and must be ousted. Muckraker asks why the IMF has not yet released funds to Zimbabwe.

The Zimbabwe Independent blames the Government for failing to fulfil certain conditions. While the Government is trying hard to satisfy those conditions, The Independent is campaigning against the release of those funds. Not only that, but it has also been urging other donors not to give their money to Zimbabwe, and even impose sanctions. Now that is a mighty stab in the back.

Calling for outsiders to take measures that hurt your own country and your own people, just because you hate a government! Even Prince Machiavelli must find that revolting. In any case, the fat cats on the Kopje will not suffer from sanctions — they are well cushioned.

Muckraker claims that "nobody feels safe living with military dictatorship". Trevor, my friend, you and your Rhodesian masters enjoy the freedom to write what you want. The problem is that you disrespect the Government and the laws of the country so much that you want to defy them.

You have been in trouble with the law and you did a stint in jail — that explains why you are so bitter. But the courts, not the Government, found you to be a law-breaker.

Now a convicted law-breaker is preaching about the rule of law — that takes quite a transformation, a metamorphosis, indeed. We are supposed to believe that the Rhodesians on the Kopje have suddenly become angels and good Samaritans who have the answers.

It is absolute lunacy to think that those who opposed the liberation struggle of Zimbabwe can now be expected to be guarantors of our independence and freedoms in post-independence Zimbabwe.

Trevor, if you feel so oppressed in Zimbabwe, you and your Rhodesian handlers are absolutely free to leave Zimbabwe and go to a country where you are free to practise your brand of freedom. If those countries refuse to accept you, try asking for political asylum.

You believe you have created an international reputation for yourself based on allegations that Zimbabwe is starved of true democracy and the rule of law. Any of the countries you uphold, as exemplary practitioners of democracy will, surely, give you asylum. Bon voyage, Trevor and my equally good friend Iden Wetherell. — Bornwell Chakaodza, Editor of The Herald.

l Tomorrow we feature the views of five editors who worked with Chakaodza during his stint as editor of The Herald and managing director of the Zimpapers newspaper division. The editors of The Sunday Mail, Sunday News, Chronicle, Manica Post and Kwayedza, on January 19 2000 blasted Chakaodza for thinking he was a cut above all other editors.

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