
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Be careful with some of your supporters, Masebo advises MMD presidenti

Be careful with some of your supporters, Masebo advises MMD presidenti
By Maluba Jere
Thursday January 24, 2008 [03:00]

LOCAL government and housing minister Sylvia Masebo has advised people with intentions of contesting the MMD presidency to be careful with their supporters, saying some of them are not genuine. In an interview yesterday, Masebo said Zambians had a tendency to tell people what they wanted to hear.

"In your paper recently, you quoted Yoram Mumba in one of the stories. And I picked out one thing from there which is that Zambians will always tell you what you want to hear and so they will encourage you to take up certain positions. But people should be careful," advised Masebo.

Asked whether she had intentions of contesting the MMD presidency, Masebo could neither deny nor agree.

Several MMD members have declared their intentions to succeed President Levy Mwanawasa. They include health minister Brian Chituwo, home affairs minister Lt Gen Ronnie Shikapwasha and UK-based Professor Clive Chirwa.

Last week, Lt Gen Shikapwasha declared that he would contest the MMD presidency and thereafter succeed President Levy Mwanawasa as Republican president.

Health minister Dr Brian Chituwo also said he has been contemplating contesting the MMD presidency.
However, Dr Chituwo said it was not just a question of one being interested in the position because there were other factors to consider.

Prof Clive Chirwa, whose intention of contesting the MMD presidency has been received with mixed feelings, was the first one to declare his desire to lead MMD and subsequently the country.

However, President Mwanawasa has brushed aside Prof Chirwa, saying he needed to rise in the party's hierarchy before he could consider the highest position in the party.

Prof Chirwa has, however, vowed to go ahead and contest the position despite being brushed aside.

President Levy Mwanawasa recently said MMD members were free to declare their intentions to contest any position within the party.

But he warned that he would dismiss cabinet ministers aspiring for the MMD presidency who would spend more time campaigning at the expense of the government.

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