
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) News Interrupted

Mineral explorers to relinquish land
GOVERNMENT is expected to implement a policy to compel mineral explorers to relinquish 50 per cent of land before prospecting licences could be renewed. This would apply if an exploring company wanted to recommence prospecting ......

Cut regional power, Zesco told
GOVERNMENT has directed Zesco Limited to temporarily disconnect the Zambian power system from the inter-connectors in the Southern African region until the power situation stabilises. Minister of Energy and Water Development, Kenneth .....

This is as far as I can report from the Daily Mail, because their links don't load.In fact, their links haven't loaded for many months, possibly YEARS. One can only speculate for the reason as to why. Are the employees striking? Have they run out of money? Are unwilling or unable to switch providers? Whatever the cause, it does not look good for the Daily Mail, or their Webhost/Webmanager, Zamnet Communications Systems Ltd. Apparently, no one in government has thought of firing them? I have 'fired' several e-mails in their direction, but no response whatsoever. Whoever in government is responsible for this paper should be fired too. Whoever hired Zamnet Communications Systems Ltd should be fired. Are they 'protected'? Someone's cousin? Anyway, they always have interesting stories on interesting subjects, but too bad no one can read them. At least online.


  1. Does anyone have the story on the Daily Mail? What is going on there?

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Me too...

    Their links are done since one month...

  3. ZNBC and Daily Mail have been dead for a month.
    Both display main page stories and links go to blank pages.

    Hello to all users here....Nice work Mr.K.
    You do well on updating overseas Zambians who dont want to pay a certain papers high costs.

    (My user name is what my Zambian Mother-in-Law calls me)
    I'm proud of her efforts at age 65 to communicate in my language and not her local language.
    I'm trying to learn some of hers.

  4. Hi Mr. Scort, Anonymous,

    Well I'm not trying to undercut The Post. I think they could have done differently than go subscription only. I also think that if they added a blogging function to their articles, they could get immediate feedback on their stories, which would be invaluable to them. They're the best by far.

    On the Daily Mail, I'm just guessing what is going on there. For a newspaper, they aren't very responsive to public opinion.
