
Sunday, January 13, 2008

LETTERS - Neoliberalism

Unbalanced development
By Mwamba, Nakonde
Sunday January 13, 2008 [03:00]

I was puzzled when I found the Lusaka-Kapiri road being renovated just two days ago. Why I am saying so is that the same road is smooth and neat without any potholes at all.

Honestly, the state of roads in Lusaka is horrible. For instance the one linking Central Police to Kamwala via Inter City is very pathetic. Roads in Kamwala and Zingalume are a living hell. I wonder whether those areas have representatives in parliament.

Why should they concentrate in renovating the Lusaka-Kapiri road every year. Is it because some politicians use it to frequent Mfuwe? I wasn’t shocked when I heard honorable Magande saying the majority poor are not able to appreciate the development so far attained .Yes because it is not trickling down to the masses, there is no equity in terms of distribution.

I have failed to understand the exact meaning of development, as understood by Magande,is it because it’s a multi-dimensional concept that can even mean unbalanced one? Can the Minister responsible for awarding these contracts avail us with the reasons for this unbalanced development? What are the Local Authorities and their overseer Masebo doing when in actual sense they collect revenue from the business houses in Kamwala. Masebo you need to reply to this article please..

Exhorbitant council fees
By Allan Ndongwe, Lusaka.
Sunday January 13, 2008 [03:00]

I was attracted to what seemed a good public notice in the Zambia Daily Mail of 12th January 2008 in which 211 plots were being advertised by Chingola Municipal Council.

However, I was dismayed to learn that their non-refundable fees were ranging from K200,000 to K700,000. It is definitely a fact that thousands of desperate Zambians will apply for these plots and the Council will reap (steal) billions of sweatless kwachas from this exercise.

The question is " Who pockets these collosal un-accountable funds ?" We are tired of hearing the same traditional Council song of " lack of funds " at the expense of developmental projects such as repairing roads, drainages etc.

This trend of charging unrealistic non-refundable fees is getting out-of hand with other intitutions such as our universities, colleges, schools, Nurseries etc following suit.

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