
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Task Force consults over Carlington maize scam

Task Force consults over Carlington maize scam
By Maluba Jere
Sunday January 13, 2008 [03:00]

THE Task Force on Corruption has consulted the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on what step to take next over the Carlington maize scam, executive chairman Maxwell Nkole has disclosed. And Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi, who has been implicated in the Carlington maize scam, has expressed confidence that the Task Force was competent enough to establish the truth on the matter.

In an interview yesterday, Nkole said the Task Force had been carrying out interviews with several people, including Nawakwi.

“We are carrying out investigations into that matter and we’ve been interviewing several people including her (Nawakwi),” Nkole said. “Our investigations are highly advanced and we are now consulting the DPP on the next line of action which may involve interviewing some more people.”

Nkole said Nawakwi had been very co-operative with the investigations and that they were compiling evidence on the matter. He explained that Nawakwi was interviewed earlier in 2003 and 2004 and that she was re-interviewed for clarification late last year.

And Nawakwi said she was confident that the Task Force investigating the case would decide who was liable and who was not.
“The matter is in competent hands and people involved will be identified,” Nawakwi said.

Nawakwi also said it was good that investigations into the maize saga had been broadened unlike when it was just focused on her alone.

“For a long time now, the Carlington maize saga seemed to have been focused on me but now the authorities have realised that it is much broader unlike when it was just synonymous with Nawakwi,” she said.

She said she would not mind even if the matter was taken to court as it was the prerogative of the investigating bodies to do so.

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