Wednesday, March 26, 2008

C/belt PF to de-campaign 'rebel' MPs

C/belt PF to de-campaign 'rebel' MPs
By A Correspondent
Wednesday March 26, 2008 [03:00]

COPPERBELT PF provincial treasurer Mwenya Musenge has said the party in the province will soon start de-campaigning members of parliament who have gone against the party’s directives. And Kitwe district PF secretary Boyd Mwelwa has warned of stern disciplinary action against party officials and cadres associating themselves with expelled members of parliament.

But Kamfinsa member of parliament Michael Nyirenda said politics was about service delivery and implementing laws that would improve the lives of people in the country.
Two weeks ago, PF expelled six of its members of parliament for alleged gross misconduct and failure to make financial contributions to the party coffers
Musenge, who is also Nkana member of parliament, said more members of parliament and councillors might be expelled from the party for misconduct and disregarding party directives.

Musenge said the process of separating good seeds from bad ones had started in PF and all those members of parliament and councillors who had decided to ignore or go against the party’s directives should be ready to face the consequences of their actions.
Musenge said now that National Assembly was on recess, he would mobilise the party in the province and in the process de-campaign those who had gone against the party’s directives.

And Mwelwa said genuine PF officials, members and cadres should not associate with expelled members because they were no longer party members.

He said the party in the district would mete out stern disciplinary action against any party official or cadre found to be associating with expelled members.
But Nyirenda said he would use the time when National Assembly was on recess to explain government programmes and the newly approved budget so that people could know what was in stock for them.

He said he had lined-up a number of meetings with the residents in his area so that he could explain what projects and programmes, government had embarked on and what their concerns were.

Nyirenda, who is one of the PF members of parliament, who had gone against the directives of not going to the National Constitution Conference (NCC), said during his meetings, he would be accompanied by one of the senior members of the central committee.

Nyirenda said it was only after getting the concerns of the residents that he could represent them properly in Parliament.

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