Sunday, April 13, 2008

Delays in forming Kenya's coalition govt worries AU

Delays in forming Kenya's coalition govt worries AU
By Speedwell Mupuch
Saturday April 12, 2008 [04:00]

AFRICAN Union Commission outgoing chairperson Alpha Omar Konare has expressed concern over delays in appointing a coalition government in Kenya. In a statement, Konare stated that delays in effecting a coalition government would delay a return to normalcy in Kenya. He stated that the delay was also of concern to the whole region.

Konare noted that the signing of the agreement on February 20, 2008 marked a “significant milestone” in the peaceful resolution of the crisis in Kenyan.
He, however, noted that the accord’s final success was dependent on the full implementation of all aspects of the agreement by the Kenyan parties.

Konare urged President Mawi Kibaki and Raila Odinga to speedily agree on the number and composition of the government, in “accordance with the letter and spirit” of the National Accord and Reconciliation agreement and also to appoint a government that would meet the needs and aspirations of Kenyans.

Last Tuesday, Odinga, the Orange Democratic Movement president, suspended talks over a power-sharing government stating that it was “better to take slightly longer and get it right than to rush it and make mistakes which will lead to regrets”.

Odinga indicated that his party would only go back to talks with the government after it agreed to its demands for 50 – 50 split in cabinet positions in the coalition government.
Under the agreement, Odinga would become prime minister and is demanding full executive powers.

He has, however, accused President Kibaki of insisting that full executive powers would remain exclusively in the presidency.
The post election violence in Kenya has left over 1,500 people dead with thousands displaced since January.

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