
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Masebo warns councils not to abuse vehicles

Masebo warns councils not to abuse vehicles
By Abigail Chaponda
Wednesday April 30, 2008 [04:00]

LOCAL government and housing minister Sylvia Masebo yesterday warned councils not to use for funerals vehicles intended for the “Make Zambia Clean Campaign”. Speaking when she handed over 150 vannets for the “Make Zambia Clean Campaign” for all constituencies in the 72 districts of Zambia in Lusaka, Masebo warned that the vehicles - which are worth K5.5 billion - should be used for intended purposes.

“If any chief officer is found misusing the vehicles, they will get themselves in trouble. Let me not hear that these vehicles are used for funeral or ferrying of sand by any minister or chief officer,” she said.

Masebo said this was a timely warning because the government had started dealing with those abusing public property, including ministers. She advised councils to use the vehicles responsibly and avoid reckless driving.

“Accidents are normal but please let’s have accidents for good reasons,” she said.

And giving a vote of thanks on behalf of local authorities’ chief executives, Siavonga district council secretary Ackson Habanji assured Masebo that the vehicles would be put to good use.

“They will also significantly help us in our provision of services to the public,” said Habanji.

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