
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Only God can punish Chiluba, says Kaunda

Only God can punish Chiluba, says Kaunda
By Lambwe Kachali
Wednesday April 30, 2008 [04:00]

IT is only God and not me who must punish Chiluba, Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said.
And Dr Kaunda has insisted that the British government is responsible for the problems Zimbabwe is currently facing. Responding to a question during the Eyeball to Eyeballprogramme on Muvi Television on Monday, with reference to the picture published in last Saturday's Post edition where he was captured hugging with former president Frederick Chiluba, Dr Kaunda said Bible teachings were crystal clear that vengeance was not in the hands of human beings but God's.

He said although Chiluba offended him during his administration, as a true Christian, he did not subscribe to the thought of revenge.
Dr Kaunda said he found God's teaching of 'Love your neighbour as you love yourself' to be key on earth.

"You see, that young man Chiluba did some terrible things to me. His organisation, his people took the life of a very brilliant young politician Wezi Kaunda his son. They tried to take away my life. But you see God's teachings have a very mutual work. Vengeance is not yours; vengeance is mine that is what God is saying; so who are you to take vengeance to somebody else?" Dr Kaunda said. "I can't find myself as one who could be saying, 'somebody has done something against me, I will do something against him'. I don't subscribe to that thought. So, whenever I meet president Chiluba I greet him. Vengeance is not mine, vengeance is in the hands of the Lord. If that man will be punished it is only God who must punish him not me. Who am I? Who am I if God says no?"

He said the teachings of God demanded that every human being should not take vengeance regardless of the gravity of the offence committed against the other.
Dr Kaunda said Chiluba's regime hated him so much. He thanked God for protecting him.
"Dr Rodger Chongwe could have perished, could have died. The gun was targeted at me, fortunately it missed me, missed the member of staff and landed into Dr Rodger Chongwe's neck. They nearly destroyed his neck. Thank God Dr Chongwe went to the clinic and recovered well. I thank God for that," he said.

And Dr Kaunda urged British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and United States President George Bush to speak to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in an effort to find a lasting solution the economic problems that country was facing.
He said he understood where the hatred between Britain and Zimbabwe emanated and insisted that the British government was to blame for not taking back the land they occupied to the people of Zimbabwe.

He said President Mugabe sacrificed a lot for the liberation of Zimbabwe and that it was unacceptable for the British government to continue blaming him.
Dr Kaunda said President Mugabe and his comrades were imprisoned for 10 years at the hands of the British government.

He explained that when the wind of change was approaching to liberate Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), Nyasaland (Malawi) and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the late Ian Douglas Smith declared that there would be no independence for black people in Southern Rhodesia in his lifetime.

Dr Kaunda said after Zimbabwe became independent, British nationals refused to take back the land they occupied for more than ten years despite President Mugabe and the people forgiving them for their evil deeds.

"And when Zimbabweans tried to ask for their land, America under President Bush joined to help Britain. So you can't blame Mugabe for what is taking place there. Ten years in prison, 10 years waiting for the British government to hand over land to Zimbabwe, about 20 years all together and now they want to start blaming Mugabe? No. Mugabe sacrificed for that country and its land...

What I am saying is that the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown knows that, George Bush knows that. Let them speak to Mugabe and find out what took place, to find a solution together," said Dr Kaunda. "I feel very bad because I understand the whole thing from the beginning to where they are today. Those who started the matter of land are the British and are responsible for what is happening in Zimbabwe. For 10 years the British government stopped Mugabe to say anything about land, which is very bad."

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