Sunday, May 18, 2008

(BBC) Deadly clashes in Johannesburg

COMMENT - This article raises more questions than it provides answers. Why were foreigners set upon? Who are the perpetrators? What is the exact motivation?

I would say that land reform throughout Africa would be a major solution to food insecurity, rising food prices, rural-urban migration, rural poverty and lack of services, wealth creation and social stability.

Deadly clashes in Johannesburg
By Caroline Hawley
BBC News, Johannesburg

Police have been trying to restore order in Diepsloot township

At least five people have been burnt or beaten to death in the South African city of Johannesburg as violence against immigrants spreads. More than 50 other people were taken to hospital in the suburb of Cleveland with stab or bullet wounds. The trouble began a week ago in the sprawling township of Alexandra. Immigrants from neighbouring African countries were set upon by men with guns and iron bars chanting "kick the foreigners out".

Terrified Zimbabweans, Mozambicans and Malawians fled to the safety of the local police station and to another township, Diepsloot. They were then attacked there as well - shacks were burnt down and shops looted. The violence has since spread to another three areas.

Last week Nelson Mandela expressed his concern, saying the country must not descend into what he called "destructive divisiveness". Since the end of apartheid, millions of African immigrants have poured into South Africa seeking jobs and sanctuary. But they have become scapegoats for many of the country's social problems - its high rate of unemployment, a shortage of housing and one of the worst levels of crime in the world.

The South African Red Cross is now providing food and blankets to hundreds of frightened immigrants forced from their homes.



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