
Monday, May 05, 2008

It's unacceptable that big businesses are foreign owned, says Fundanga

It's unacceptable that big businesses are foreign owned, says Fundanga
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Monday May 05, 2008 [04:00]

BANK of Zambia (BoZ) governor Dr Caleb Fundanga yesterday said it is unacceptable that the biggest business establishments in the country are foreign owned. Briefing the press over the Junior Achievement (JA) Zambia programme at Pamodzi Hotel yesterday, Dr Fundanga said there was need to instill the entrepreneurship mind in most Zambian people at an early age. He also said JA Zambia was this year targeting to capture about 500 young Zambians from different schools, universities and colleges in its activities.

"We need to inculcate a spirit of entrepreneurship at an early stage in the children so that they start understanding business and economic issues when they are still young," said Dr Fundanga who was speaking in his capacity as board chairman of the JA Zambia. "We should move away from the current situation where all the children are being trained to be workers.

We should start teaching them how to create wealth for themselves and contribute to economic growth of the country. Our children need to have a strong conviction at an early stage in their lives that Zambians have the potential to develop this country and not just waiting for foreign investors... Are you telling me that we have no local investors?

"At JA, that is what we want to do. To work with other stakeholders to ensure that whether it is engineering, banking or any other field, our young people realise at an early stage that they can make money for themselves and contribute to development of this country."

And Dr Fundanga called on Zambians to support each other to make money.

"Let us encourage each other to make money. I don't see anything wrong with supporting a fellow Zambian who is making money, so long that money is not through illicit activities," said Dr Fundanga.

And JA vice president for Africa region Lamech Mbise said the surest way to grow the economy of the continent and reduce criminal activities was to invest in young people through giving them good education. Earlier, Barclays Bank Zambia (BBZ) managing director Zafar Masud said although JA had achieved some of its objectives, a lot needed to be done.

Masud also said BBZ would continue to support activities of JA which he said was a reservoir of the bank's future customers and workers. The JA is a worldwide mentorship programme aimed at developing business and work skills among young people in primary, secondary and tertiary education.

The JA programme has been running in Zambia for the last four years and it is implemented in 117 countries.


  1. There is also a thread complete with comments over at the Lusaka Times.

  2. BANK of Zambia (BoZ) governor Dr Caleb Fundanga yesterday said it is unacceptable that the biggest business establishments in the country are foreign owned.

    And this is true in and of itself. However, also notice how the focus is on the biggest business establishments, instead of SMEs.

    It are the ordinary people and their businesses that make up society and the economy, not just the corporations.
