
Monday, May 05, 2008

Nsenga chiefs demand for respect

Nsenga chiefs demand for respect
By Lambwe Kachali
Monday May 05, 2008 [04:00]

NSENGA chiefs of Eastern Province have expressed concern about the deterioration of respect for them by non-subjects. Briefing the press and Nsenga people in Lusaka on Saturday, spokesperson for Nsenga chiefs, chief Ndake said it was sad that Nsengas had trashed their own practices and culture.

He said people should not take lightly the issue of observing their culture and tradition.

He said in most cases, some people were just walking in the chiefs’ palaces without seeking permission from the royal authorities.

He said ignoring such practices had led to lack of respect of the cultural values.

“We have noted a departure from the practice where visitors would call on a chief at a palace and properly request for audience. In recent times, we have noticed a situation where protocol for calling at palaces, especially by non-subjects has become casual,” chief Ndake said. “Some people would abruptly arrive in our palaces and literally command chiefs to see them.

We shall not accept a situation such as what occurred in the past where chiefs were paraded by a deputy minister to answer charges which were based on his pre-conceived ideas.

That type of mission was the last, at least in Nsenga land.”
Chief Ndake also said it was unnecessary for people to resolve chieftainship wrangles in public.

“We guide that this practice be avoided by all well-meaning Nsengas. We as your chiefs will in the near future institute measures to deal with such matters in a traditional way. We guide that such disputes should first and foremost be handled at a specific palace or village in line with Nsenga tradition and customs rather than in public away from the confines of our various villages or palaces,” he said.

And chief Ndake said following the meeting last year, chiefs had resolved that Tuwimba traditional ceremony which was last held in 2002 would be held annually.

“It is our resolve that from now on, no wrangle will prevent the holding of Tuwimba because Tuwimba is intended to praise God and we cannot ignore that on account of our flesh earthly wrangles,” said chief Ndake.

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