
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Masebo outlaws smoking in public

Masebo outlaws smoking in public
By Maluba Jere
Thursday May 29, 2008 [04:00]

LOCAL government minister Sylvia Masebo has signed a Statutory Instrument (SI) prohibiting smoking in public places. Speaking at a press briefing yesterday, Masebo said she was compelled to sign the SI, dated April 9, 2008 which has since been gazetted, due to continued smoking in public by persons with no regard for the comfort of others.

Masebo warned that anyone in contravention of the regulation would be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding 2,500 penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.

"You do recall that last year on 29th June 2007, I did issue Statutory Instrument number 44 of 2007, the local government (Street vending and Nuisances) Amendment regulations, 2007 as an effort to curb the numerous nuisances and to provide for stiffer penalty units for the would-be offenders," she said.

"But prohibition of smoking in public places has had to be given special attention due to its harzadous nature to non-smokers who are forced to be passive smokers and this affects their health although they do not smoke," she said.

Masebo urged Zambians to be responsible citizens by making the 'Make Zambia Clean Campaign' a wider concept that not only emanates from the government but also starts with personal hygiene of individuals, which includes stopping smoking in public places.

"Through this Statutory Instrument, all the public places under the jurisdiction of a council to which the public has access, these are now prohibited for smoking," she said.

Masebo also said the government through her ministry last year released K15.5 billion to pay retirees in 54 district councils and five municipalities in phase one of the programme.
She explained that for the second phase, the government had already released over K4 billion for paying retirees in nine municipalities.

Masebo urged principal officers of the municipalities to ensure that the funds benefited the intended persons.

"It is important that only those former employees on the lists verified by the ministry should be paid from these funds," she said.

"The ministry will not condone any mismanagement of these funds. I take this opportunity to caution chief executive officers to avoid any misapplication of these funds. As government we will ensure that the law takes its course on any erring officials."

She further urged the councils to adhere to directives issued to them and not retrench any employee unless it had money to immediately pay off the affected employees.

Masebo warned that failure to follow the directives would leave her with no option but invoke the provisions of the law to ensure that councils adhere to lawful instructions.
"For salary arrears and other outstanding debts, let me remind the councils that these should be met from their own local resources," said Masebo.

"If a council has outstanding salary arrears, it must not even think of increasing the salaries and wages of its workers and hope that government will pay. Ensure you clear the outstanding salary arrears before making any demands for any increments."

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