
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mulongoti clarifies remark on Zim refugees

Mulongoti clarifies remark on Zim refugees
By Bivan Saluseki
Thursday May 29, 2008 [04:00]

INFORMATION minister Mike Mulongoti yesterday said there was a 'variance' in his comments on the Zimbabweans that were reported to be heading for Zambia from South Africa. And the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in their note verbal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all diplomatic missions in Zambia on Wednesday stated that there was a misunderstanding by the media on what the head of Southern Africa Zone and Federation referred to.

Explaining his change of statements over the matter, Mulongoti said although he had said that Zambia, under international law, was under obligation to offer asylum to refugees, that did not mean that Zambia was ready to receive them.

On Friday when he was asked specifically about the 25,000 Zimbabweans that were reportedly headed for Zambia and if the government would allow them to enter the country, Mulongoti admitted knowing about the Zimbabwean nationals and said: "Well, the international law on migration of people makes it obligatory. Zambia as a UN member state has an obligation to receive those who are seeking asylum."
Mulongoti said the government was putting in place measures to receive them.

But later in the evening, Mulongoti issued a statement saying the correct position was that there was no such movement of Zimbabwean nationals.

He stated that the International Federation of Red Cross had since clarified the matter saying there was a misunderstanding by the media of what the head of the Southern African Zone of the body referred to.

And in an interview yesterday, Mulongoti clarified although UN member states where under the obligation to receive those seeking asylum, that did not mean Zambia was ready to receive them. He said in principle, while Zambia might be obliged, it did not mean it was ready because there was a process to be followed.

"It's not possible. The variance is only that we are not preparing for them," he said.
Mulongoti said even when there was such a movement; a request must come from the UN.

"The position of government, however, is that if such a situation developed, the government of Zambia will only consider the matter after receiving an official request from the United Nations, through the High Commissioner for Refugees," said Mulongoti.

And the International Federation of Red Cross stated that the head of the zone was referring to the inter- agency contingency plan development by the UN agencies and the government of Zambia through the Commissioner for Refugees as a preparedness measure for potential sudden population movements from Zimbabwe.

"This contingency plan was developed in March 2008 even before violence arose in South Africa. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies supports and will continue to support the auxiliary role and humanitarian activities of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide including the 10 Red Cross Societies in Southern Africa," stated its report.

The Society stated that so far, no record about people fleeing South Africa to seek refuge in Zambia in great numbers had reached its office.

"However, the Federation will continue to monitor the situation closely with relevant authorities and humanitarian actors so that when necessary timely humanitarian assistance is provided to those in need in the framework of national contingency plan," stated the Federation.

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