Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chief Shakumbila is a thief, charges Nkomeshya

Chief Shakumbila is a thief, charges Nkomeshya
By Lambwe Kachali and Kelvin Tembo
Tuesday June 17, 2008 [04:00]

SENIOR chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II of the Soli people of Lusaka has charged that chief Shakumbila of the Sala people of Mumbwa district is a thief who wants to steal part of her chiefdom. And chieftainess Nkomeshya said she is ready to shed blood over her land.

Reacting to chief Shakumbila who had threatened her of bloodshed if she continued to be stubborn over the boundary dispute in his chiefdom, chieftainess Nkomeshya said she would not be intimidated by what she called empty threats.

Chieftainess Nkomeshya said the railway line had never been the boundary between the two chiefdoms as claimed by chief Shakumbila.

"I have never crossed Mwembeshi myself. It is him chief Shakumbila who is crossing Mwembeshi to come on my side. So he is a thief and there is a district boundary there. You know, we always know that the thieves are always worried and thieves are always violent. So, I don't want to argue so much with someone who is trying to steal from me. I think you wait and see what my people will do. We are going to react properly," chieftainess Nkomeshya threatened.

She said she would not be moved by the threats of bloodshed from chief Shakumbila.
Chieftainess Nkomeshya further maintained that Trade Kings, Namupundwe Mine and Kafue Sugar companies were in her chiefdom.
She said even the time the three companies were buying land, they consulted her and not chief Shakumbila.

"Now who can move me? Who can move me? We all know the fact, even with himself, even when he is issuing those threats, he knows. He is the one who is claiming my land because he wants to steal from me. And he has no hand to those investments, which are there. Even when they Trade Kings, Kafue Sugar and Namupundwe Mine were building, he was not the one who was consulted to release that land. That land belongs to me here. He is the one who is stealing from me," she maintained.

Asked if the wrangle arises from the fact that these companies are expected to pay royalties, chieftainess Nkomeshya declined to comment.

"I have told you that I will react properly because the oil that Namupundwe is extracting to make steel, the steel factory is in Kafue, in my area here. Everything is in my area," chieftainess Nkomeshya said.

Asked further if she had taken time to look at the 1958 map which according to the Surveyor General, places the boundary between the two chiefdoms at the railway line and not Mwembeshi River, chieftainess Nkomeshya said that was not a problem.
She also commended The Post for informing the public about the wrangles that were going on among chiefs over land.

"I am reacting to it, just wait, because my blood is going to be shed. So don't worry, you will get more soon. Am just grateful to you The Post that you have brought this issue out in the way it has come. I am really grateful to you. But Mwembeshi is my boundary and nobody will move me," said chieftainess Nkomeshya.

And some women from chieftainess Nkomeshya's chiefdom yesterday staged a protest at Chongwe Police Station in solidarity with their traditional leader.
The women chanted slogans and sang songs in praise of chieftainess Nkomeshya.
Group representative Astridah Mbulo said chief Shakumbila should not make money out of people's blood.

Mbulo said the women did not want bloodshed but that if that was what chief Shakumbila wanted, they were very ready to go to Mwembeshi with chietainess Nkomeshya.
"We have a natural boundary which is Mwembeshi and Nampundwe is found in Kafue District which is under chieftainess Nkomeshya," said Mbulo.

And Kafue Munga ward councillor Obvious Mwaliteta disclosed that Namupundwe mine was paying K45 million as rates every six months while Kafue Sugar paid K70 million every six months.

"Trade Kings have not started paying anything yet because they haven't started operations. That includes Universal Mining. But the chief gets what the company feels like giving them because it's not on the valuation roll," said Mwaliteta.
When contacted for a comment over the boundary dispute, local government minister Sylvia Masebo said she had not yet seen the map to know where exactly the boundary between the two chiefdoms is.

Masebo said she would issue a statement tomorrow over the matter.
"This is not the only wrangle. There are so many land wrangles by chiefs but in relation to this particular one, I need to look at the boundary map, then I can give details," said Masebo.

On Sunday, chief Shakumbila warned chieftainess Nkomeshya of serious bloodshed and loss of life if she continued to be stubborn over the boundary dispute between the two chiedoms.

Chief Shakumbila's comments follow chieftainess Nkomeshya's who demanded that the Surveyor General Danny Mubanga should resign as he was corrupt and that the boundary between the two chiefdoms was at Mwembeshi River and not the railway line as claimed by chief Shakumbila.

He said the land in question had never been for the Soli people and that cheiftainess Nkomeshya would not have it if she was interested in Kafue Sugar, Nampundwe Mine and Trade Kings companies. Chief Shakumbila also said all Solis should leave his chiefdom.
The country has in recent months been rocked with land wrangles in various parts of the country.

Chiefs Chipepo and Sikoongo of Siavonga have had some wrangles over Lusitu Resettlement Area and they have threatened to take the matter to court.

Chiefs Moomba of the Toka Leya and Inyambo Yeta of the Lozi also have a dispute regarding the boundary between Kazungula and Sesheke respectively.

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