
Thursday, June 26, 2008

(HERALD) Stop meddling in our affairs

Stop meddling in our affairs

EDITOR — Morgan Tsvangirai has given up! I liked President Mugabe’s insistence that he is open to talks "only after the run-off". That’s excellent, because the world has to know who is in control, and who should call the shots.

Tsvangirai’s attempt to come to power through the back door is untenable. What is this I hear about so-called political prisoners? The likes of Tendai Biti are not political prisoners, but criminals who broke the Electoral Act with impunity. Vanonzi havasungwe nekuti vakaita sei?

Saka kana munhu ava opposition ava nemukana wekutyora mutemo nhai? (Why shouldn’t they face the music? Does being in opposition give one immunity from prosecution?)

If we are to talk to MDC-T, we must talk to Tsvangirai, not his handlers. There should be no room for Britain or any imperialists to meddle in our internal affairs by proxy. We do not need them.

Cde Jairos Tapfuma.

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