
Thursday, June 26, 2008

President Mugabe is for empowerment

President Mugabe is for empowerment

EDITOR — President Mugabe’s speech at the World Food Programme summit in Rome reduced Douglas Alexander, Britain’s Minister of Overseas Develop-ment, to size as the President eloquently articulated Zimbabwe’s case, situating our socio-economic problems in Britain’s lap.

Land in Zimbabwe was democratised much to the delight of the hitherto dispossessed and this, by contrast, angered the former colonisers who sought to have a change of government through illegal sanctions.

Judging from the rapturous applause the speech received, it seems the delegates enjoyed what President Mugabe told them.

Patriotic Zimbabweans at home and abroad will interpret the speech as a template not only for Zimbabwe, but also for developing nations worldwide who seek to liberate themselves from all forms of colonial domination.

There was an unambiguous warning to developing nations that their political parties should not be creations of Western imperialism. One good example of such imperialist-inspired creations is MDC, which was created by the West and married to the British Labour Party.

As we have witnessed, the child born out of this unholy matrimony is rather a devilish demon which has already been asking its parent to impose sanctions and more sanctions to weaken the resolve of Zimbabweans.

The aim is to force Zimbabweans into submission and to vote for the devil who ruled for 100 years without the consent of the disenfranchised black majority.

As with all marriages, there had to be a best man or more who, in this case, came in large numbers to the wedding. There were those on the MDC legal desk who helped to draft the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Bill.

Another best man for the MDC was John Howard of Australia who hoped to make life as difficult as possible in Zimbabwe through the Commonwealth and cricket.

There are many other MDC friends who have not done Zimbabwe any good at all nor have they in the process helped MDC supporters either.

Imperialism the world over has been about imposing its will on mankind. The impact of the recent flurry of aid agencies in Zimbabwe delivering food aid has been to magnify a distorting effect on the results of the presidential elections.

Without land, the theory of cumulative causation becomes apparent between the North and the South, causing poverty in the developing economies.

Rather than the poor countries and rich countries converging with economic deve-lopment, they diverge.

Poor countries become poorer as the richer nations enjoy economies of scale.

The poorer nations are in the process forced to rely on primary products.

Zanu-PF, under President Mugabe’s leadership, understands this process and its strategy is to fight, not for hand-outs, but for self determination and dignity.

It wants the people of Zimbabwe to have control of their own destiny as a people on the world stage.

Solomon Majasi.
Chairman, Zanu-PF,
Sanyati Arda District.

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