Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Manning's family demand his Whereabouts

Manning's family demand his Whereabouts
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Tuesday June 17, 2008 [04:00]

FAMILY of deported Mbeza Safaris managing director Ian Manning has demanded that the government informs them about his whereabouts. In an interview yesterday, Manning’s wife - Cathlin - also challenged government to formally serve his husband with a deportation order if they wanted to expel him from the country. Cathlin likened the events leading to Manning’s arrest and deportation to the “evilness of a Gestapo raid during the Nazi reign of terror in Germany”.

“He was whisked away in a vehicle from Immigrations Department having been told to report there and collect his temporary permit on Friday afternoon, presumably Friday so that no legal recourse could be sought over the weekend,” she said. “The anxiety of the family is only partially relieved as one is not sure if the message we received is genuine and from Mr Manning himself. The message is from Kasane in Botswana.

“Why on earth would the government drive a man through Botswana, a man who speaks perfectly good English and if told to leave Zambia, has the means to collect his belongings and purchase his own plane ticket? Mr Manning’s whereabouts are still not known.

Nobody has heard from him since 7 am on Sunday morning when a message purportedly from Mr Manning came from Francistown in Botswana saying the vehicle had now changed number plates to GRZ from private ones and four burly men were escorting him to the South African border. Again one has to ask what evil has Mr Manning done to deserve such attentions.”

And Cathlin also challenged the government to formally deport Manning if they did not want the safari businessman to continue his operations in the country.

“If Zambia really doesn’t want an investor who has brought such great hope and investment to a community in Luembe and has touched the hearts of environmentalists around the country with his fearless questioning of abuses of natural resources, why does the government not serve the man with a deportation order?” she questioned.

“Why the cloak and dagger? We must begin asking questions about how our country is being run. How safe are we? And where the heck is Ian Manning right now? Has he been killed in the bush? For what? ...Trying to save some national forests from corrupt deals, exposing poor governance in some government departments. This is unbelievable. I thought we had chased away the shushushu era in 1991.”

The government on Saturday deported Manning, 63 for allegedly illegally staying in the country after the expiry of his temporary work permit.

Sources at Ministry of Home Affairs said Manning was deported to South Africa via Botswana by a combined team of Immigration Department officials and some officers from Office of the President Special Division.

The sources said Manning was arrested on Friday afternoon at the Immigration Department where he and his family had gone to have their work permits extended.

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