Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Finnegan speaks out on non-unionised workers

Finnegan speaks out on non-unionised workers
By Kelvin Tembo
Tuesday July 01, 2008 [04:00]

INTERNATIONAL Labour Organisation (ILO) country representative Gerry Finnegan has called for better conditions of service for the workers without trade union affiliation. Commenting on Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) president Leonard Hikaumba’s call for the Police Service to have a trade union, Finnegan explained that all workers had the right to freedom of association under the International Labour Convention but that the government had also a right to exclude some sectors, which bordered on security.

He asked the government to offer balanced conditions of service to both its non-trade union affiliate workers and trade union members.
“Lack of a trade union does not mean workers without trade union representation should have poor working conditions. Lack of trade union representation for workers should not create a loophole for them to get poor conditions of service,” he said.

Finnegan said the police had the option of forming associations, which could deal with their welfare and social issues.
“These associations cannot, however, negotiate for conditions of service,” he said.

Finnegan said there was a lot that workers could do for themselves using their own initiatives.
Hikaumba recently called for formation of a trade union to address the poor working conditions in the police service.

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