
Friday, July 18, 2008

(HERALD) Fertilizer firms holding us to ransom, say farmers

Fertilizer firms holding us to ransom, say farmers
Herald Reporter

FARMERS’ organisations yesterday express-ed outrage at the failure by fertilizer companies to fulfil their pleage to produce the commodity in time for the forthcoming summer cropping season despite being allocated US$10 million by the central bank. The farmers said the failure to produce the required fertilizer on time was tantamount to aiding the illegal sanctions against the country.

The farmers said the continual shifting of positions by the fertilizer producers was affecting national planning and efforts to increase agricultural production and ensure food security.

Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union vice president Cde Edward Raradza said the fertilizer industry was holding the country to ransom while blame was being heaped on the Gover-nment.

"ZFU strongly supports President Mugabe as there is no reason why the companies cannot produce when they are receiving foreign currency allocations from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

"By not producing they are sabotaging the country and aiding the illegal sanctions preferred on Zimbabwe by its enemies. If that is the case, then there is no reason why they should be treated with kid gloves. For them it’s time to repent. They have failed farmers before and the country cannot allow this to happen again," he said.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers’ Union president Mr Wilson Nyabonda said the stance taken by President Mugabe would help weed out companies and individuals working against the indigenous empowerment drive.

Zimbabwe Tobacco Growers’ Association president Mr Wilfanos Mashingaidze said he was impressed with the urgency that President Mugabe had put on the need to secure farming inputs.

"The companies should know they are businesses to service the country and its people," he said.

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