
Friday, July 18, 2008

(HERALD) West only interested in looting

West only interested in looting

Editor — If there is someone who still believes that Britain has the interests of Zimbabweans at heart, please think again. If you trace back 700 years of Africa-Western contact, the West has always been interested in looting. Zimbabwe is under siege and I feel sorry for my brothers and sisters for they are made to suffer so the British realise their imperial domination of Africa.

But the struggle is worth it if we can overthrow colonialism, be truly independent and 100 percent empowered. In any struggle, there are always sell-outs and there is always sacrifice.

I might not be Zimbabwean, but I am an African. I have the continent at heart. I love democracy, but what’s the point of having peace with no justice? The West will never have the interests of Africans at heart.

Before mercenaries were hired and embarked on the anti-Mugabe wave, African governments were united in saying sanctions should be dropped.

Now that some Africans have been hired, they shout as if they were born yesterday and have no memory of history. Africans need to do away with mental slavery.

Desmond Tutu once confessed that when he was flying and the plane experienced turbulence, he hoped that the pilot was a white man because then there wouldn’t be trouble. I guess he still relapses into that inferiority complex.

Fellow Africans in Zimbabwe, if Zanu-PF’s agenda is followed to its logical conclusion and stability returns, in 10 years Zimbabwe will be an African superpower.

Zimbabwe should never be a colony again.

Themba Mphake.

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