Monday, July 14, 2008

(HERALD) Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support

Editor — As a Zimbabwean who is proud of his African roots and his proud heritage in this great land of Dzimbahwe, I would like to salute those of our friends in the international community who stood resolutely by us at the Security Council.

At a time when it is becoming fashionable to sell out on one’s principles, South Africa, China, Russia, Vietnam and others have refused to buckle under the weight of Anglo-American pressure.

These noble States have made it their business not to interfere in our business and understand that Zimbabwe simply wants to be given the room to develop.

The bold move to veto a US resolution calling for sanctions shows that there are still men and women of honour in the world.

It would be a shame if some in our midst decide not to see this great opportunity that has been given to us and continue to sabotage our efforts at national reconciliation.

To those that have supported us, I say you are men among men.

Super Patriot.


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