Sunday, July 27, 2008

Let us make corruption impossible

Let us make corruption impossible
By Editor
Sunday July 27, 2008 [04:00]

Corruption is not something that is going to disappear by itself or on its own; it needs to be fought with all our efforts. We need to fight corruption the way we would fight a snake if found in our bedrooms. Corruption by itself is designed to defeat systems that have been set. If there is anything that President Levy Mwanawasa has done for this country is bring back the sense of honesty in leadership. And as such, if there is any gift that we can give to President Mwanawasa is to emphasise on the fight against corruption. As we pray for the quick recovery of President Mwanawasa, let’s do that which he had committed his life to fight and that is corruption.

Therefore, there is need to take the advice by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) acting director general Rosewin Wandi to Zambians urging them to change their mindsets towards corruption seriously.

There is need for every Zambian to be ashamed of being in possession of stolen wealth. As she says, “it is time to turn around the current state of condoning corruption as a way of life to a point where we begin to see a notable reduction in its levels in the various sectors where measures to prevent it have been instituted. The law shall surely catch up with perpetrators of corruption as we together, sustain the fight against the scourge, whose consequences can be devastating.”

There is need for honesty in every government leader. There is need for honesty in every government worker. There is need for honesty in every private sector worker. There is need for honesty in every entrepreneur. There is need for honesty in everything that we do. If there is honesty in everything that we do, there will be no wastage of resources.

Where there is dishonesty, a job that should cost the government K1bn will cost the government K10bn. Where there is dishonesty, shoddy jobs are done. Where there is dishonesty, a road that should cost US$20m will cost more.

Where there is honesty, there will be equipment and drugs in hospitals. Where there is honesty, children will have desks in their classrooms. Where there is honesty, pensioners will get their money and on time.

Where there is honesty, there will be free and fair elections, and as such there will be no political tension in the country. Where there is honesty, there will be no nepotism and merit will prevail. And when merit prevails, everyone will benefit and not just a few corrupt elements. And if everyone benefits, corruption will become impossible.

It is for this reason that our gift to President Mwanawasa should be for us to talk against corruption whenever we have an opportunity to do so. President Mwanawasa is a person who tries to talk about corruption whenever he has an opportunity to do so. President Mwanawasa has recognised the problems and dangers posed by corruption.

Mwanawasa has done his part, and as for us recognition and awareness is not enough it itself; it has to be matched by appropriate deeds. Mwanawasa has set the stage for a meaningful fight against corruption.

The talk has been done and yet there isn’t much that has been done in fighting corruption. As we pray for President Mwanawasa, let us pray against corruption. Let the clergy denounce corruption. Let the clergy denounce corrupt people who intend to take their corruptly earned wealth to the church. Let them tell their corrupt members to keep their corruptly earned money because God does not condone corruption.

We are saying so because there is a certain type of clergy and Christians who live by corruption, who are corrupt. We saw these clergy defending Chiluba’s corrupt regime, exchanging their honour and integrity for donations to their congregations and gifts to themselves.

A lot still has to be done in the fight against corruption. However, with just the commitment that Mwanawasa has exhibited, a few results have been achieved.

It is clear from the interaction we have had with some of our citizens, that they do not want corrupt leaders. And that they do not want a corrupt leader to succeed Mwanawasa. There is a feeling that brining in corrupt leaders, the few gains that have been made will be eroded in no time.

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At 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'If there is anything that President Levy Mwanawasa has done for this country is bring back the sense of honesty in leadership.'

What a noble comment but is it true ? What are Katele Kalumba and the other guy who is Chairman of MMD doing still holding office ?



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