Saturday, July 05, 2008


This link is to re-balance the enormously onesided media reporting on the Zimabwean situation. As you may have noticed, the ZANU-PF side of the argument is never heard during the relentless onslaught against the economy and people of Zimbabwe. This alone should be enough to get 'journalists' at the BBC, CNN, and other mainstream media outlets fired, but it isn't. The shenanigans that pass for news are nothing short of propaganda.

From: Unusual Sources:

Stephen Gowans Interview On Zimbabwe

A very interesting backgrounder and overview of the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe.

From the Lyndon Larouche network:

Interview: Zimbabwean Ambassador To The US On Zimbabwe History and Politics

Interview: Zimbabwe Ambassador

For information on the British destablization efforts against africa visit:

Zimbabwe's Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Machivenyika Mapuranga,was the featured guest on the LaRouche Show Saturday, April 12.

In dialogue with EIR's Lawrence Freeman and Portia Tarumbwa Strid, Ambassador Mapuranga provided the historical backdrop to the current British power play in Zimbabwe. Freeman reminded the audience that this is one of many British power plays and destabilizations around the globe today, as the Brits attempt to ensure their hold on power, now that their financial system has collapsed. Ambassador Mapuranga explained that the current delay in finalizing the presidential vote count in Zimbabwe is the result of numerous discrepancies between the results posted publicly at the 8,000 polling places, and the tally sheets sent to Harare.

He also referred to the tension created in the country by opposition leader and British tool Morgan Tsvangirai, who claims to have won the presidency -- without need for a runoff -- with 50.3% of the vote.

His 50.3% is his unsupported claim, but {even if it were true}, 51% is needed to avoid a runoff, under the Constitution. Tsvangirai is steered and paid for by the British. This is no secret, Mapuranga said: The three major British parties -- Conservative, Labour, and Liberal -- vie with each other in the size of their contributions to the relevant conduit, the Westminster Foundation, whose website anyone can visit. In 2007, a State Department report said point blank that the U.S. is supporting Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Before independence in 1980, Ambassador Mapuranga explained, Zimbabwe -- or Southern Rhodesia as it then was -- was one of the five British imperial "white man's countries" in the common parlance of British official correspondence preserved in the Public Record Office [now renamed the National Archives]. Those five were Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and Southern Rhodesia. The plan was to increase the white populations of the latter two until they outnumbered the Africans. In Southern Rhodesia, the ratio went from 1:17,000 in the 1890s when the British first conquered the country, to 1:13 in 1961, at the peak. The Brits took the best lands and herded the African majority into "Native Reserves" of only 25% of the territory. "That's why we had to fight a 14-year war of independence, from 1966-1979," and why the British {still} think they own the place. What especially worries the British is the Zimbabwe government's return of land from European settlers to Africans, and that South Africa and Namibia have begun to follow Zimbabwe's lead, even if only on a small scale so far. Sanctions began after the start of the land redistribution program in 2000. But the standard British and State Department line is, "What sanctions? We only have `targetted sanctions' against the funds and travel of government leaders," which is a total lie. For example, the British-inspired U.S. Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 instructed all U.S. members of international financial institutions to oppose and vote against any loans, credits, or guarantees for Zimbabwe. In 2004, Prime Minister Tony Blair said publicly, "Our policy toward Zimbabwe is regime change." Did he propose to do that with nothing more than "targetted sanctions" and support for Tsvangirai? Another deception, according to Portia Tarumbwa Strid, is the claim that the collapse of Zimbabwe's economy is not the result of the economic vise-grip (which of course, doesn't exist!), but rather because Africans don't know how to farm. She pointed out that the big white-owned farms were operated and managed by Africans! The white cash-crop policies were the problem. What Zimbabwe needs is water management systems, other infrastructure, nuclear power, and nuclear irradiation to prevent crop spoilage. Other African leaders support Mugabe, Ambassador Mapuranga said, because they know that if the Brits get control of Zimbabwe, their countries will be next. That applies with special force to South Africa. There is a new determination of African people to take their destiny into their own hands, Portia Tarumbwa Strid emphasized, but they are being obstructed by the British and their allies.

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At 6:11 PM , Blogger MrK said...


Here are two links that show that:

1) Morgan Tsvangirai has much of his articles written for him, including the ones where he calls for an armed UN presence in Zimbabwe. These were written for him by an Australian named James Rose, claims Tsvangirai later denounced. The editory of The Guardian 'clarifies'.

2) The emotive story of a little child who allegedly had his legs broken by 'ZANU-PF thugs' in an attack that later was proven never to have taken place. However, this fraud received major media exposure. The editor of the New York Times printed a clarification and retraction.

At 10:44 PM , Blogger MrK said...

More relevant links:

A new Zimbabwe? Eddie Cross and the MDC
Patrick Bond


At 9:31 AM , Blogger MrK said...

This US document proves the American government's financial and organisational support for the MDC.

In it, the american ambassador to Zimbabwe, James McGee, clearly states that 'meaningfule economic reforms' are a precondition for lifting sanctions or 'reengagement with the international community'.

Institute neoliberalism and corporate rule or else we put the political opposition we created into power.

At 10:17 PM , Blogger MrK said...

From the Livelihoods After Land Reform website, an article by professor Ian Scoones, debunking 5 myths about land reform in Zimbabwe:

A new start for Zimbabwe - by Ian Scoones
Ian Scoones, Challenges the myths about Zimbabwean agriculture and land reform
15 September 2008

From the London Review Of Books, an overview of the events as they have unfolded in Zimbabwe:

Lessons of Zimbabwe
Mahmood Mamdani
4 December 2008


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