Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Disunity in opposition saddens Chisanga

Disunity in opposition saddens Chisanga
By Patson Chilemba
Tuesday August 12, 2008 [04:00]

FORMER UPND vice-president Patrick Chisanga has said the major opposition political parties in the country are fractured. In an interview, Chisanga said it was sad that major opposition parties such as the Patriotic Front (PF), United Party for National Development (UPND) and United National Independence Party (UNIP) had become shadows.

"I have observed with regret that most of the opposition parties have fractures. What we need is a strong opposition," he said.

Chisanga said UPND had never been the same since the 2006 party convention.

He said the convention resulted in the formation of factions such as the United Liberal Party (ULP).

"Unfortunately, that reduced the impact of UPND as a strong alternative government which it was. UPND was a government in waiting," Chisanga said.

He further said PF emerged from the 2006 general elections as a strong opposition but that it had been rocked with disunity following some members' participation in the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

"One would have liked to see PF consolidate unity. That would have been a victory but at the moment what we read about are wrangles, which is not healthy as an opposition," Chisanga said. "UNIP also has factions, which seem to have eaten into the fabric of the opposition."

Chisanga said maintaining unity in political parties was paramount.
"We do need discipline and you can discipline members in various ways without having to divide the party," he said.

On the ruling MMD, Chisanga said the party had made positive strides in the economic and political advancement of the country but a lot needed to be done.

Asked on his political future and if he was involved in the formation of a new party in the offing, the Citizens Democratic Party (CDP), Chisanga said he was not party to the new arrangement.

"I am not involved in the new party but I am aware that various Zambian groups have been active in searching for an effective and positive way forward for the country. I am aware of people trying to put their heads together that 'what is the way forward'," he said.

Chisanga further said political opportunism should be discouraged at all costs in the country.

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