Monday, August 18, 2008

Dr Mwansa urges safety measures in mines

Dr Mwansa urges safety measures in mines
By Zumani Katasefa in Luanshya
Monday August 18, 2008 [04:00]

MINES minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa has said safety on the mines must never be compromised. Speaking when he officiated at the inter-company first aid competition held on Saturday at Luanshya’s Roan rugby fields, Dr Mwansa said in the pursuit for high production levels, mining regulations 1201 to 1208, which explain first aid requirements at mines, should always be taken very seriously by mining firms.

“The mining council for first aid is carrying out regular mine inspections to assess the compliance of mining units with these regulations,” said Dr Mwansa.
He said all companies involved in mining should seriously participate in events aimed at improving life-saving skills.

“I would like to see all mining companies in Zambia, small and large, and contractors otherwise participate in the first aid competition. I am throwing the challenge to all the organisers of the event to invite all other mining companies to do so next year because of the life–saving skills development that is associated with the event,” Dr Mwansa said.
He noted that he was aware of many companies involved in mining operations that were not taking part in such important competitions.

“This call is in line with the strategic focus for the mining sector during the implementation of Fifth National Development Plan, namely to promote both large and small-scale mining by strengthening the institutional framework support and improving the policy and regulatory framework,” he said.

He said the plan recognised large-scale mining as having an important role to play in the nation’s economy, but it also viewed small-scale mining as having greater potential in employment creation and poverty reduction.

“Therefore, events such as this one should not shy away from bringing on board companies that operate as small-scale mines. A way should be found to include small–scale miners in the annual first aid competition,” he said.

Dr Mwansa said the government took safety on the mines very serious.

“This explains why we are working towards having a stand-alone policy on safety, health, environment and quality control for the mining sector,” he said.

Dr Mwansa also commended Luanshya Copper Mines (LCM) chief executive officer Derrick Webbstock for hosting the event.

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