Sunday, August 03, 2008

Malaysian firm to introduce microfinance model

Malaysian firm to introduce microfinance model
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Saturday August 02, 2008 [04:00]

COMMERCE minister Felix Mutati has disclosed that some Malaysian company is set to introduce a microfinance model that will be different from the current practice in the country. In an interview on the sidelines of the just-ended Smart Partnership Dialogue in Lusaka, Mutati could however not disclose the name of the company or the money involved. He said of all the countries that attended Smart Partnership Dialogue, Zambia would be used as a pilot project for the microfinance model.

“This network that we had during the Smart Partnership Dialogue has resulted in Malaysians saying they are starting providing training and innovation support for the microfinance to bring a workable microfinance model in Zambia,” Mutati said.

“And of all the smart partnership countries, Zambia has been picked as the first pilot project. So from a practical perspective, we can say the smart partnership is beginning to produce results.”

And Mutati also said Zambia would this October host a national symposium to discuss and localise the resolutions of the just-ended Smart Partnership Dialogue.

“Beyond this partnership, we need to sit and use this as planning process for a local indaba so that we take the issues that we discussed like energy, transportation within the context of the Vision 2030,” said Mutati.

“We will invite most of the people who attended the indaba and a lot more so that we can begin as Zambians to move the country aggressively... and unless we do that, people won’t know the value of the Smart Partnership Dialogue. We are planning to have the indaba in about two to three months from now.”

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