Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obnoxious increments

Obnoxious increments
By Disgusted Zambian, Lusaka
Sunday August 17, 2008 [04:00]

I was shocked when I read about the outrageous salary increments that Cabinet ministers are about to offer themselves (The Post, August 1, 2008). What type of politicians do we have? Do these people join politics to really serve the poor Zambians?

According to the figures published in The Post, Cabinet ministers have offered themselves a basic salary of K23 million per month from about K5 million. This represents an increase of 323 per cent. In addition, they have given themselves increases in all sorts of allowances.

Do these people have a conscience? How can they offer themselves such colossal increments in a country where 75 per cent of the people they claim to represent live on less than a dollar per day?

I do not always agree with Patriotic Front president Michael Sata's views but for once, he drove the nail home when he said the proposed increments amount to plunder. In my view, this plunder is by far worse than we witnessed during the Chiluba regime.
Given the calibre of MPs that we have, there is no doubt that these obnoxious increments will be approved without any dissent, except for a few lone voices in the likes of Given Lubinda. In any case, the MPs' salaries and allowances have also been increased in tandem.

What is even more morally distasteful is that Cabinet took the opportunity to award themselves these increments in the absence of President Mwanawasa who is still admitted to Percy Military Hospital in France.

I wonder how the Vice-President, Rupiah Banda, the man I have so much respect for, allowed himself to be duped by his ministers.

And where was finance minister, Ngandu Magande, who is renowned for frugality and conservatism when it comes to public spending? Or could it be that he opted to keep quiet because he too is a beneficiar?

Why should ministers compare their remuneration to those of highly qualified and experienced professionals and technocrats and heads of parastatals?

Where on earth are politicians equated to professionals? Besides, these ministers and MPs offered themselves to serve the people, not to be another burden on the national treasury.

Well done Barclays!
By Chelwa Chileshe
Sunday August 17, 2008 [04:00]

Barclays Bank has been named the best bank in Zambia by Euromoney.

I am proud that the bank which is just a stone’s throw away from my house in Kabwata is the best in the country. When the bank opened its doors to Kabwata residents, I was one of the first to open an account with them and I have no regrets as the bank has made life easier for me.

As a merchandise trader who has to handle a lot of cash everyday, I am grateful that Barclays has made it easy for me to deposit my money every time I make some money from my business.

By coming closer to our communities, the bank is doing a commendable job by teaching Zambians the value of having bank accounts and to save our earnings because this is the only way we can become well off.

Barclays has made life easy because everywhere I go, they are there. They are in Chilenje, Matero and Soweto and also have an ATM.

I am therefore not surprised that Barclays has been voted the best bank in Zambia. My only appeal to Barclays is to put more ATMs so that it is easy for us to draw money from various points.
Well done Barclays. Keep it up!

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