
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

LETTERS - Elections

Who does Teta think he is?
By Edwin Zulu
Wednesday October 22, 2008 [04:01]

The statement by Benny Tetamashimba does not augur well as regards campaigns. How can he honestly threaten the people of Eastern Province with sjamboks, if they vote out MMD?

The man has not obviously read the writing on the wall; that it is clear his job is on the line come October 30. I understand him because his job is on the line, and his head on the chopping table as he will never be minister again, not when the opposition win elections in one week's time.

But you do not get votes by threatening the electorate. That marketing strategy is bad.

The man is surely decampaigning the MMD and its loss in the Eastern Province will be attributed to Teta. The best he can do is unite the party as it is evident there is great division and, most likely, the divided camp will vote for the opposition.

Uncovering misdeeds
By Mahundo'ona Chowa
Wednesday October 22, 2008 [04:00]

A recent newspaper political advert entitled ‘Zambian Moments’ with a subtitle 'Uncovered' highlighting the misdeeds of Michael Sata cannot go without a comment.

The misdeeds of Michael Sata are well known by everyone who has followed the political life of this country. This is why no one was surprised when Dr Guy Scott told the nation that Sata will pay back what the state had spent on his evacuation for emergency treatment in South Africa. The nation was instead surprised when Sata against his nature refuted his vice’s suggestion and opted to reconcile with the late president.

We were left wondering whether this was ‘the road to Damascus experience for Michael' or just another of his schemes. With time, we have not seen any gross departure from his new self and all I can say with amazement is that the good that has come to this man is probably for the good of the nation.

Sata’s transformation can be likened to that of Saul the prosecutor of the saints who become Paul, a powerful saint after a life-changing encounter on the road to Damascus (Acts 9 vs 3-22).

Ironically, all the captions used in this advert are from The Post who with other private media are being criticised for exposing RB's misdeeds.
To The Post we say thank you for uncovering the deeds of Sata - now transformed, for all those years which other media could not do and for helping us discover who the opportunists really are in a short time.

Image builders, corruption
By Dr Jonas Chanda, Abuja, Nigeria
Tuesday October 21, 2008 [04:00]

The costly decisions and chaotic scenes happening in the MMD campaign camp at the expense of taxpayers' money leaves any serious-minded and patriotic citizen baffled, shocked and angry.

The MMD presidential candidate Rupiah Banda has been mired in all sorts of controversies such as engaging in open acts of bribery and corruption during this campaign and this has seriously damaged his image both domestically and internationally. This fact is self-acknowledged, hence the decision to hire so-called image builders to ‘repair’ Rupiah and MMD's broken image. It is not Zambia's image they are here to repair.

The image builders are in Zambia simply to fix and work on the psychology of Zambians, make Rupiah look like an angel of light rather than of darkness and to make money as they are just international business persons. All this is being done at great cost to the suffering masses whose welfare is sacrificed and neglected.

More shockingly, these image builders are using government and public resources during Rupiah’s campaign tours.

Come on Rupiah, do you have a conscience? Can these image builders’ home countries hire an image builder from Zambia or any African country? Would their citizens allow foreign image builders to use taxpayers’ money? This is an insult on the intelligence of our great Zambian people.

Rupiah and his MMD should listen to logic and common sense. If you cannot have your image repaired and rebuilt in Zambia by Zambians, no foreign image builder will do that for you. Your loyalty and duty should be to Zambians, not to foreign image builders.

They should appreciate cultural wisdom. You can wash a pig, put lipstic on it, dress it in fine clothes, and spray designer perfume on it in an attempt to improve its image, but it will always remain a pig, its true nature. The pig will no sooner than it is cleaned go back to play in the mud, swallow its own vomit, and contaminate everything around it.

Listen to Biblical wisdom again Rupiah and MMD: you can clothe a wolf in sheep's clothing, and it may pretend and look like a sheep momentarily. But the fact is, it’s still a wolf and sooner or later it will devour the sheep and if possible the shepherd.

Amazingly, some eminent Zambians like our two former presidents KK and FTJ, Sakwiba Sikota and the like have become opportunistic ‘shareholders’ in Rupiah's enterprise of corrupt campaigns championed by Tetamashimba, Mulongoti, Chitala and VJ whom very few Zambians respect.

Come on Zambians. On October 30, let us send a loud and clear message and soundly reject RB and MMD and their cohorts, including their high-minded white image builders.

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