
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu PF v MDC: principals or principles?

Zanu PF v MDC: principals or principles?
Miles Mudzviti – Opinion
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 11:53:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – The lack of correct handling of contradictions has sadly become a familiar feature of developments in Zimbabwe. Never has our country arguably been as disunited as it is today. Days of national disunity, turmoil and uncertainty are now seemingly perpetuated by selfish jostling for positions that serves only to reverse the modest gains of the past weeks and cruelly trample on the last bit of hope that people are hanging onto.

This farcical degeneration of the situation is an indictment on the part of the principals who have suddenly found themselves bereft of any of the principles they confessed in the document to which they appended their signatures.

Unification of the country, unity of the people – these are the basic requisites and guarantees for genuine progress and reform. For the concerned parties who should be leading the way in the construction of such to be at the forefront of this disunity is unhelpful. Frankly, we have heard enough statements and counter statements on the talks and have had enough. Enough! It is time all got back to work which I’m sure most are doing right now in fields across the nation The people deserve better from those who should now be working to ensure that they have the support they deserve and need.

I contend that it would be naive to imagine that we can transcend these contradictions in the immediate and to do so would be to fly in the face of objective reality. However, it would be a travesty of the concept of service, which I will assume drives the interested parties, to imagine that we cannot work beyond these contradictions at this critical time when the fundamentals of the economy could not be conceivably worse and general conditions across the board untenable.

Any failure to do so would be an utter disregard for the people of Zimbabwe by all concerned. This agreement was never about Zanu PF, MDC-T or MDC-M – it is about the people of Zimbabwe, within and without, who have borne more than they could and deserve any remaining semblances of national dignity they have. We do not deserve to be sold so massively short by those who ought to do better by us.

We live in extraordinary times and can no longer afford to spend time teeing on Harare's greens as much as we would like to relax ourselves whilst children die in numbers of hunger and disease, young men and women robbed of their lives before they have even begun and then come back to the negotiating table only to perform a dance of the drug-induced schizophrenics over the hopes of many and literary over their graves. Enough bickering! Lets get to work and prove ourselves where it matters-service to the people, its the very least they deserve.

It is imperative that at this juncture we raise the question of the proper handling of contradictions so as to rally the people of the country behind this new system to make it secure, and to build up the nation. Effective and precise management of these contradictions is the only way to engender confidence in this GNU. Partners across the globe who have stood with us and indeed stand ready to assist us further expect progress and Zimbabweans deserve better than the raw deal we have been getting.

Miles Mudzviti
Yorkshire, England

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