
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Courtney Sparrow - Please urgent assistance is needed

Courtney Sparrow - Please urgent assistance is needed
Dawn Holtzhausen: Courtney Sparrow - Please urgent assistance is needed
Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:19:00 +0000

HI THERE – As most of you are now aware, Ron and Margaret Sparrows' little girl – Courtney Sparrow (9years) was attacked by lions last Tuesday.

Her parents own a safari ranch in Masvingo and Courtney innocently went next door, last Tuesday, with the maids when they went to clean the one partner’s house (he is away in Canada). The partner, had brought up a couple of lions and left them in the garden vicinity to look after the house and as a form of protection as they have had a long on-going saga with war vets etc.

Courtney was inside the house, with the maids, and was standing next to a window. The lioness put her paw through and got Courtney’s arm and actually managed to pull her through the burglar barred window. The gardener rushed and beat the lioness with a pole and Courtney managed to get away – she ran to the gate only to find it was locked, she panicked and ran back to the window – and on the way a young male lion then attacked her.

Margy, her mom, managed to beat the male lion with a pole and they got Courtney away and out the enclosure. She was air lifted to Avenues, Harare, where there was absolutely nothing that could be done for her – fortunately they managed to stabilize her enough and then Ron and Margy were able to arrange to have her flown to Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa

Her esophagus had to be rebuilt and miraculously none of the puncture wounds from the mauling damaged any internal organs and although the front of her skull was bitten off - there is no brain damage. Her left eye was pulled out the socket and the skin and bone on top damaged - but amazingly her eye is intact and she has had an operation to repair the eye socket using bone and skin from her hip.

Sadly with all the hassles the farmers have had here the last few years, this families income has dwindled drastically to a point where, like most of us Zimbabweans, they were already at a point of just making do (survival), and were hoping and praying things would turn the corner soon with regards to our economy. I am led to believe that like most of us, they were unable to afford the exorbitant cost of external Medical Cover and now they have been left in the devastating position of having to fund these unbelievable medical bills.

More than anything, this family - especially Courtney, desperately needs your prayer, and if you can afford it and feel compelled to do so, a small donation to help with the enormous costs incurred saving this child’s life and now her continued treatment which will include further surgeries.

Although she is stabilized, and off the respirator and breathing on her own, she still has a long road ahead as far as full recovery is concerned and already, one week in, the medical bill is sitting at R500 000 (half a million rand).

We are doing every thing we can here to try and raise money but as you can imagine it is difficult in Zimbabwe.

If you would like to make a donation then please contact either myself, Lynn and Leanne McBean or Ron &

Margy or

Lynn McBean together with Ron, will be instrumental in setting up an account for this purpose.

More than anything please be assured, as mentioned earlier – your prayers and support are far more valuable than dollars and cents and are VERY, VERY much appreciated by the Sparrow family. (One can only begin to imagine the trauma and desperation that they have been through).

Thanks and God Bless
Dawn Holtzhausen
023 751170/09 289666
Lynn McBean

1 comment:

  1. Don't locals get mauled by the wildlife all the time? Or do they believe they're 'special'? Did anyone give a second thought to not endangering the lives of 'the maids'? What was the maids hourly wage, and why don't these folks clean their own houses, if they're so perky and selfreliant?
