Tuesday, October 21, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC political high drama: Cde Patapata at it again

MDC political high drama: Cde Patapata at it again
Mdelelwa Mdelelwa – Opinion
Tue, 21 Oct 2008 00:18:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – I am appalled at the continued reckless behaviour of Morgan Tsvangirai – the MDC leader. Knowing that he would have found it hard to defend his continued intransigency in Swaziland, he has instead opted for high drama and outright lies.

All Monday morning the Western press was reporting that Morgan is not travelling to Swaziland because he had been denied a passport – a lie also propagated by one Tendai Biti talking from Gauteng. The obvious calculation behind this lie is that the world would perceive President Robert Mugabe as an unreliable negotiating partner in the on-going power sharing talks.

What has not been reported are the efforts and lengths to which some people have gone to get him to face reality and go to Swaziland.

His Majesty, King Mswati actually offered him the use of his Majesty’s Private Jet to get him to Swaziland. The fact that he spurned his Majesty’s generous offer just shows that Biti’s argument that his blundering boss could not travel because he had no visa to travel via Pretoria is a very unintelligent excuse.

It is very embarrassing to think that is a man I will be forced to call my Prime Minister. Morgan’s lack of originality, character and dignity and common sense vexes me and in no doubt other progressive compatriots.

How is Mugabe expected to share power with him? A man who says one thing and does the opposite almost in one breath?

How did the nation come by this man?

If the lot in MDC is serious about the future of Zimbabwe and her starving masses, is it not the time for them to cast this man aside and have someone else who has national interests at heart take charge at Harvest House?

Cde Patapata’s political indiscretions and lack of wisdom are now an embarrassment to the nation. This man cannot run the country.

We give him a share of the government reins at our peril.

Mdelelwa Mdelelwa
United Kingdom



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