Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ZNBC stops Sata's adverts

ZNBC stops Sata's adverts
By Patson Chilemba in Nangweshi
Tuesday October 21, 2008 [04:00]

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Michael Sata yesterday said he would take legal action against the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) for withdrawing his campaign adverts from television. And Sata yesterday held private talks with the Litunga of Western Province and described the talks as fruitful. In an interview after his meeting with the Litunga, Sata said he would take ZNBC to court over the cancellation of his adverts from running on national television.

Sata advised information permanent secretary Emmanuel Nyirenda not to be partisan. On his meeting with the Litunga, Sata said he told the Litunga that the PF government would restore authority back to the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE), which was taken away from them.

Asked if the Litunga had endorsed his candidature, Sata said it was not for him to speak, but described the talks as fruitful.

"You see, the Barotse Royal Establishment did not want full cessation, they wanted to get back the authority Dr Kenneth Kaunda took away from them of managing their own affairs," Sata said. "I have to bring it back so that these people can administer themselves, they need their dignity back. The Litunga appreciated this."

The meeting between Sata and the Litunga lasted over 40 minutes.
Before the meeting with the Litunga, Sata held another meeting with the Ng'ambela of the Litunga and several indunas for 30 minutes.

During the meeting, one of the indunas asked for Sata's position on the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) in an event that he were elected as president.

In response, Sata said he would make the NCC more inclusive than it was currently.

On Sunday, Sata met senior chief Mboanjikana of the Lozi people in Kalabo district.

Sata promised to enhance the dignity of chiefs, such as according them rights of overseeing developmental projects in their areas. Sata also promised to give chiefs vehicles on grant.

And chieftainess Mboanjikana wished Sata well throughout his campaigns.
She agreed with Sata's proposals on improving chiefs' authority and welfare.

"What you said is very true. Take for instance my house here. The current system of assisting royal highnesses is unfair because if I don't have money, this house will remain like this and yet it's government's duty to do that. If we had stuck to the old system of chiefs, I'm pretty sure things were going to work well," chieftainess Mboanjikana said.

And addressing a well-attended rally later in Kalabo, Sata said he would improve the agriculture sector in the area. He said it was sad that animals were dying because the government had failed to find medicine.

He further dispelled assertions that he would chase the Mbunda people to Angola.
"Who am I going to rule if I chase you?" asked Sata.

And Sata stopped by in Shang'ombo district yesterday where he quickly addressed a small crowd.

However, he was approached by a police officer who asked him whether or not he had obtained a permit to talk to the people.
But Sata explained that he had just dropped by and did not need to get a police permit to chat with the people.

Meanwhile, Sata revealed that there were attempts to assassinate him by the government before the October 30 presidential elections.

Sata said he had information of meetings that were held to plot his assassination.

"I'm aware of meetings in Kabwe and Luanshya, but even if they kill me now, there will be no elections. If that's the shortcut they are planning, then Rupiah Banda is wasting his time," said Sata. "If you remember, it was on Muvi TV when they said I should go for review in South Africa. Had I gone, I would not have come back alive."

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