Sunday, October 26, 2008

Teta’s remarks on Easterners annoy Katete residents

Teta’s remarks on Easterners annoy Katete residents
Written by Kelvin Tembo

Some villagers in Katete have said the degrading statements from the MMD campaign team will deny Vice-President Rupiah Banda their vote.

Commenting on MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba’s statement that Easterners would be beaten if they did not vote for Vice-President Banda, Katete resident Chanza Weluzani said it was unacceptable for Tetamashimba to insult the integrity of Easterners.

“How can they insult the integrity, interest and values of us Easterners? They will see the rejection in the results of the presidential elections next week,” Weluzani said.

He said the MMD campaign team should have respect for ordinary people as they were not for hire or for sale and they should not be taken for granted.

“Teta, don’t insult us or threaten us with beating, because we will instead beat you by the way we will vote your presidential candidate and the MMD out, mind you, you are not our tribal cousin,” he said.

Weluzani said Easterners were sick and tired of politicians who existed for political expedience and selfish ambitions.

He said the MMD government had caused a lot of anguish by their unreliable corruption administration. Weluzani said the people of Eastern Province would vote for the opposition because the MMD had failed to provide for the poor people.

He said they would not vote for people who were not issue based and were only interested in insulting the people’s intelligence.

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