Sunday, October 05, 2008

Threats show how idiotic Rupiah's govt will be - HH

Threats show how idiotic Rupiah's govt will be - HH
By Lambwe Kachali in Shang'ombo
Sunday October 05, 2008 [04:01]

MULONGOTI'S threats to close The Post show how idiotic and lunatic Rupiah's government will be if Zambians make a mistake to elect him as Republican President on October 30, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has observed.

And Hichilema described local government minister Benny Tetamashimba's accusations that he Hichilema was working with Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata to remove Vice-President Rupiah Banda and the MMD from power as rubbish, nonsensical and political desperation.

Commenting on information minister Mike Mulongoti's threat to sort out The Post after the elections, Hichilema in an interview after addressing a rally in Shang'ombo district on Friday said Mulongoti was a wishful thinker who did not deserve to lead such an important government ministry.

Hichilema said The Post was not only an important institution and a pillar of information but also one of the few largest employers in the country, which should be commended and supported by any meaningful government.

He said since Mulongoti was Vice-President Banda's messenger, his statement was a reminder to the voters that they should expect the worst government if elected at the end of this month.

Hichilema said no Zambian had the right to close an important institution like The Post.

"Mulongoti's threats just show how idiotic and lunatic Rupiah's government will be if Zambians make a mistake to elect him. This is why the MMD government is failing to take the Freedom of Information Bill back to Parliament. Mulongoti must be joking. Does he think we can leave him alive when he closes The Post? Zambians will rise against Rupiah's government, if he doesn't know. You can't close a large institution like The Post which employs more people and pays better salaries to its employees than government...unless he wants chaos in the country," Hichilema said.

He said Zambians relied on The Post for better information on various issues affecting the nation.

Hichilema said Mulongoti's statement had exposed Vice-President Banda's brutality, saying his government would kill freedom of the press once elected into office.
He observed that what The Post was reporting about Vice-President Banda was true because his leadership was questionable.

"So, all that they are talking is rubbish, utter rubbish. It is actually idiotic talk... The Post is there to serve the people of Zambia with freedom of information by reporting the truth. Mulongoti's rubbish utterances just tell Zambians that Rupiah wants to take us back to the old days. We don't want that and we won't allow that. People of Zambia are free now, they want democracy, freedom of information, press, choice of leadership so that they can get a president who is the best," he said.

On Tetamashimba's accusations, Hichilema warned Tetamashimba against involving Dr Kaunda in MMD's dirty politics.

Hichilema said Tetamashimba should not be jealous of his wealth because records were there to show how he had acquired it.

"That's why Tetamashimba and other corrupt characters have surrounded Rupiah in order to steal from Zambian people. They failed to steal in president Levy Mwanawasa's government because he was against corruption. And now since Rupiah has a dirty record, all corrupt characters have surrounded him to loot the country," Hichilema said.
During the rally, Hichilema said it was sad that 44 years after independence, Shang'ombo did not have a post office or a bank.

He bemoaned the poor state of roads, schools and hospitals in the district.
Hichilema urged people to vote for him because he was young, strong and energetic to attend to numerous problems they were facing.

"Look at your pontoon Kalongola pontoon on Zambezi River, this MMD government wants to take the bridge to Siyoma, saying the Zambezi River is too wide for a bridge. That is nonsense. All this shows that MMD government does not care for your lives. This pontoon is unreliable," Hichilema said. "If you vote for me, I will make sure you are given a bridge, I will make sure that this road is tarred to connect you to the rest of the nation. There can be no development in any place without good roads."

Hichilema also promised the people that cattle diseases would be addressed because he would establish a disease control project to tackle all kinds of animal infections.
He further said he would take proper care of teachers, nurses, police officers and all the civil servants by paying them decent salaries as one way of fighting corruption.
"The choice is yours whether to vote for old people like Rupiah Banda who dozes in meetings or Sata, an old man 'ba shikulu grandfather' or a young, strong and energetic man myself who is ready to fight and end poverty in the country," said Hichilema.
Hichilema also held rallies at Nangweshi, Kalongolo and Senanga, Kalabo, Mongu, Sesheke and Lukulu among other areas where scores of people from MMD, PF and ULP defected to join UPND.

Many people spoke of the need for change and that it was only Hichilema who would bring genuine change and development in the country.

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