
Thursday, November 20, 2008

(HERALD) Government rolls out small grains programme

Government rolls out small grains programme
By Sydney Kawadza in MUTARE

GOVERNMENT on Tuesday launched the small-grain distribution programme to cover an estimated 200 000 hectares which are expected to complement the 500 000 hectares earmarked for maize production to boost national food security.

The programme — being run under the Resource Mobilisation and Utilisation Committee’s Champion Farmer programme — would see farmers in arid and semi-arid areas receiving seed sorghum, groundnuts, cowpeas, millet and soyabeans.

The committee is currently distributing 170 tonnes of groundnuts, 127 tonnes of cowpeas and 136 tonnes of millet while 100 tonnes of soyabeans have been acquired for distribution under the same initiative.

Speaking during the official launch of the programme in Chipinge, Buhera, Nyanga, Makoni, Mutasa and Mutare district, the national chairman of the committee, Dr Mariyawanda Nzuwah, said the Government wanted all farmers to produce crops throughout the country.

"The country has been asking for maize from other countries when we have the capacity to produce our own food. Government wants people to start growing crops on all arable land, but farmers should strive to grow crops that are suitable for their particular areas," he said.

Dr Nzuwah, however, said the distribution of inputs has been delayed in some areas because of transport problems, adding that communities should mobilise their own resources to get the inputs at various centres across the country.

The chairman of the logistics and beneficiary identification sub-committee, ZDF Commander General Consta-ntine Chiwenga urged communities to use all the available land and assist each other so that Zimbabwe overcomes food shortages.

"We have to work as communities to prepare our land and other agricultural activities. We need to produce enough food for the country’s grain reserves so that the issue of food shortages is dealt with permanently," he said.

Gen Chiwenga urged farmers to ensure that they produce crops not only for sale, but also for their own reserves to ensure food security at the family level.

"We need to go back to our culture where families would grow enough maize, not only for the country but also for their own reserves. Families should build granaries that would assist in times of need, especially when there are droughts or natural disasters," he said.

Communities, Gen Chiwenga said, should also produce food for the vulnerable groups in the communities through the Zunde RaMambo concept.

He urged farmers to produce more so that part of the harvest could be used as seed in future seasons.

The logistics sub-committee chairperson, Brigadier-General Douglas Nyikayaramba, said the programme seed would also be distributed to institutions that would keep seed for the national seed banks.

"This season we would want to ensure that there is enough produce so that we also replenish the country’s seed stocks so that we will not rely on other countries for seed," he said.

Brig-Gen Nyikayaramba said Government, through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, had imported a variety of small grain seed and more seed is expected and would be distributed across the country.

"The beneficiaries under the programme are communal farmers in arid and semi-arid areas. Agritex was consulted to provide expert advice for the actual areas best suited for small grains," he said.

The small grain distribution programme is expected to spread to other provinces that fall in arid and semi-arid regions.

Among senior Government officials who were part of the delegation were Governor and Resident Minister for Manicaland, Cde Chris Mushohwe, the programme’s provincial leader Rrtired General Happyton Bonyongwe, provincial committee members Cde George Charamba, Professor Francis Gudyanga, Dr Shadreck Mlambo and other provincial leaders.

Mr Basil Nyabadza, the chief executive of Reapers (Pvt) Ltd, the company that is sourcing the small grain seeds, was also part of the delegation.

The Resource Mobilisation and Utilisation Committee is currently distributing agricultural inputs such as seed, fertilizers, fuel and chemicals to farmers in a Government programme that is expected to ensure national food security.

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