
Thursday, November 20, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Village concept addresses underdeveloped rural areas- HP

Village concept addresses underdeveloped rural areas- HP
October 22, 2008

THE Heritage Party (HP) has said that the Village Concept is the only manifesto that offers to address issues of underdevelopment both in rural and urban areas of the country.

HP spokesperson Waziah Phiri said in an interview in Lusaka that currently, only the urban areas were being developed because the existing national leadership did not have a workable concept to improve rural areas.

Mr Phiri said that under the Village Concept, which the HP had been propagating for a long time, there would be equitable distribution of wealth between the urban and rural areas.

If such was the case, Mr Phiri said that both the urban and rural areas would be developed simultaneously.

Mr Phiri said that currently, what was happening was that only the urban areas were developed and dwellers from the rural areas were abandoning the places resulting into urban areas getting over populated.

“If the Village Concept was to be applied, all development would not only be centered in Lusaka but the entire country. Wealth should be equitably distributed and not as the case is,” Mr Phiri said.

He said that besides the Village Concept ensuring that the wealth of the nation was equitably distributed, it would also address the plight of women, the youth and other vulnerable citizens.

Mr Phiri said that currently, the vulnerable in society were marginalised and the HP was determined to reverse the trend.

He also cautioned the electorate against falling prey to promises by leaders of some opposition parties.

Mr Phiri said most leaders had in the past failed to fulfill their promises and therefore wondered how the electorate should this time around trust them.

“One such promise which had been made by some opposition party leaders is the recognition of the Barotse Royal Establishment.

“The problem we find with some politicians is that they make promises which they themselves know that they would not fulfill. The people should look at the track record of these leaders,” he said.

Among the presidential aspirants in the October 30 polls, Mr Phiri said that the HP candidate Godfrey Miyanda (above) was the only leader who could not fail to fulfill his promises.

He said that if Zambians were serious about seeing the country develop, they should vote for the HP candidate.

“If our country wants a leader that will not fail them then they should vote for us. We are the only ones with a track record for all to see,” Mr Phiri said.

Times of Zambia

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