
Friday, November 21, 2008

LETTERS - Cabinet Payrise, VJ's Appointment, The UPND

VJ, Parliament
Written by Mutale Osward
Friday, November 21, 2008 5:03:00 AM

Like Saint Paul exclaimed to the Galatians, I as well utter the same words. Zambians, what has bewitched our level of reasoning such that we could sink so low just to espouse corruption at the expense of justice and dignity? It is without doubt that Zambian politics and democracy have lost value and respect, especially in our so-called Parliament.

My anger is based on the fact that not so long ago Vernon Mwaanga whilst government chief whip and information minister lied to the nation (the late president inclusive) that he never said Zambia owed Moses Katumbi some money and as such was a free person to move around in the corridors of Zambian politics and law!

This guy denied "napa lulimi" having ever said such. To prove his ‘innocence,’ he even went to Parliament building with a forged and fabricated verbatim report of what transpired in DR Congo!

Foolishly and stupidly, he attacked The Post with the most crude accusation loaded with threats without any shame and dignity, as if he was innocent! Had it not been for that video tape, VJ would have gone scot-free! Thank God liars have no place in the kingdom of humanity. Thus begun the accelerated downfall of the man.

Now fellow Zambians, I’m challenging you to ask the DPP to take action against this man based on the following facts.

(1) What Vernon Mwaanga produced in Parliament had all the official marks to establish the authenticity of the document to such an effect that all could seem genuine. Where did he get the official date stamps and stationery that was used?

Besides, who doctored the document? Who allowed the use of GRZ equipment to be used in the forgery? Why was the DPP silent?

Furthermore, what's the difference between what those who forge certificates do and what Mwanga did such that he was not incriminated for that act?

(2) With such blatant lies, would Parliament welcome back someone who had commited such an offence within its buildings? What is the role of the Speaker? Where are the morals, ethics so to say?

Strictly speaking, VJ should have been barred from becoming an MP forever.

What would have happened to The Post had the video clip not been available?

Mwaanga’s appointment
Written by KS
Friday, November 21, 2008 5:02:10 AM

The appointment of one Vernon Mwaanga by President Rupiah Banda makes interesting reading, more so that VJ had publicly announced his retirement from active politics.
VJ will go down in history as a person who has served four presidents. This is not an easy feat to achieve by most people. It shows that VJ is an outstanding person, who deserves to be in the Guinness Book of World Records .

However, I want to express concern over this same appointment of VJ as Parliamentary Chief Whip. I feel the appointment is not only to reward a friend on the part of the President, but is a selfish manoeuvre by the President targeting the 2011 general elections. I do not know what VJ has or knows that makes Zambian presidents jump and grab him on their side. I believe as long as VJ is alive, somehow, we shall continue seeing him in the circles of power.

His job is to whip MMD members of parliament (MPs) into line and, sweet-talk opposition MPs into defeating the 50 per cent plus one in the final draft of the constitution. With endemic tribal and regional politics in Zambia, it will be difficult for the MMD to win elections without first-past-the-post-system currently in place. Once that is done, I believe he will be de-nominated.

What’s the reason behind VJ’s appointment?
Written by Davidson Mwale
Friday, November 21, 2008 5:01:42 AM

The appointment of VJ to the current parliament is an interesting scenario.
This man, in November 2007 announced publicly that he had retired from active politics to pave way for the young who are future leaders.

This is also the man who produced doctored (forged) documents in parliament on his DRC mission.

Is there any really good reason to appoint this man as Head Parliamentarian to lead the same House he intended to mislead?

Can we speculate, and conclusively say that this is a "pay back" gesture by the appointing authority in that VJ played a critical role to have His Excellence, the President, Rupiah Bwezani Banda at Plot 1? Or is the President simply living by his middle name, Bwezani, meaning to bring back?

Rupiah, Cabinet pay rise
Written by Webby
Friday, November 21, 2008 5:00:29 AM

Parliament’s vote in favour of the Cabinet salary increment confirms just how power hungry Rupiah Banda and his campaign team was. The campaign was characterised by electoral malpractices.

They started by offering themselves a salary increment, then they quickly realised there were elections to come and had to temporarily suspend the issue of increasing their salaries.

Fuel prices were reduced, but no consumer felt the benefits except for the fuel dealers. Indeed, keeping the rich richer.

In quick succession, fertiliser prices were also reduced.

But thats not all, people were even promised more jobs, some 4000 jobs were to be created and investors were to come within 10 days of being sworn in.

But barely 21 days after the elections, the tables have completely turned.

People are losing employment, and the governmet gives an excuse of the globle financial crisis though it was there even before the elections; but they should have analysed its impact on our economy.

This is the true new MMD we are seeing today.

Ministers’ pay rise
Written by Timothy Muchaba
Friday, November 21, 2008 4:59:52 AM

Please allow me express my disgust over the hiking of ministers’ salaries.
These leaders have really shown their uncaring attitudes towards the underprivileged in society. How many graduates and unemployed youths are struggling to earn a living?

A high number of retirees have not been paid their dues.

We struggle to work under the hectic conditions of service under the civil service and are only given less than a ministers pocket allowance per month.

How many Zambians are dying of hunger today and have no proper shelter?

This is a shame and we have been taken for granted for a long time. Enough is enough. These leaders have neglected us.

We thank the press for revealing this to the general public as have now known the kind of leaders we have in place today.

UPND; a party in denial
Written by Concerned UPND sympa
Friday, November 21, 2008 4:56:30 AM

The new way of doing things in UPND is very worrying.
In the olden days, after every election, UPND would conduct a postmortem and resolute decisions on the way forward would be made based on the findings.

As a concerned sympathiser of UPND, I have been awaiting the results of such a postmortem but all I have heard are incoherent comments from Hichilema stating that the elections were ‘exciting and competitive’ when the party is on its way to oblivion, and another comment from Ntundu stating that it is time that the government sorted out The Post.

The question that lingers in my mind is; as weak as the UPND is, can it manage to sustain the battle against The Post and even if it was strong, what would be the benefit of engaging in such a battle?

The problem with UPND is that a mistake was made and everybody knows what that mistake was and nobody wants to point out the mistake. UPND is no longer popular and instead of confronting the reasons the party has become so weak, they are in denial and are trying by all means to find scape-goats and starting battles to try and distract or rather shield the internal failures in UPND.

I think the questions which UPND is supposed to be answering are why they failed to make an alliance with PF, why the UDA collapsed, why all members with an image have left, why new members have not joined, why the party has failed to capture its once strong holds like Western, North Western, Central and even Lusaka? This should have been their preoccupation,

Harsh as it might be, the truth is that the UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has failed to run the party and I guess a postmortem has not been conducted because this truth is well-known by almost all members of UPND.

Let the same courage that was marshalled in 2006 to discount out Given Lubinda, Bob Sichinga, Henry Mtonga, Patrick Chisanga and Sakwiba Sikota from taking over the reigns of this party be marshalled even now to tell Hichilema that he has failed. Being in denial is very dangerous.

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