
Friday, November 21, 2008

ZANU-PF has death wish for MDC, says Chamisa

COMMENT - Is this the strategy they have come up with in their deliberations? Blame ZANU-PF, pretend that there is a need to invade the country by their backers, the US and UK? Obviously, they are not going to get to power through legal means. The MDC is an extremely suspect party, not in the least because their actual economic policies only benefit western corporations, not the people of Zimbabwe. The same as for sanctions.

ZANU-PF has death wish for MDC, says Chamisa
Written by George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Friday, November 21, 2008 5:06:13 AM

ZANU-PF has a death wish for our party, MDC spokesperson Nelson Chamisa has said. And Chamisa said President Robert Mugabe is a pain not only for the country but for his own party ZANU-PF as well.

Reacting to reports in the state media that the MDC was divided over its participation in an all-inclusive government, Chamisa dismissed the suggestions, saying that it was a fact that MDC is currently at its strongest.

"The party is a united, dynamic and a happy family of democrats. The party, from the leadership to the membership, is fully committed to the successful conclusion of the talks in the shortest possible time. It is in this context that the National Council unanimously resolved not to be part of an inclusive government until all the outstanding issues have been disposed of. On this matter, the party speaks with one voice," Chamisa said.

"The inclusive government is a project driven and sustained by the people of Zimbabwe in general and the MDC in particular, for purposes of resolving challenges currently arresting our country. For the record, our next congress will be in 2011, five years after our previous congress in 2006. Those in ZANU-PF and other quarters who have a death wish for our party should wait a little longer with their machinations and antics to derail the people's movement.

"Instead of boggling our minds with side shows, our immediate task is to find permanent answers to endless challenges of hunger and starvation, poverty, collapsed health and education systems and predatory political parties like ZANU-PF that survive on the oxygen of violence." [COMMENT - Try to get sanctions lifted - MrK]

He said the main focus of the MDC was to democratically and peacefully oust the suffering and penury in Zimbabwe.

"To the best of our understanding, ZANU-PF is the only party that is rocked by divisions and is comatose on account of debilitating succession disputes. It is ZANU-PF that witnessed rebellion in Parliament when their members of parliament voted with the MDC," Chamisa said. "ZANU-PF is trapped in a series of setbacks and misfortunes which they hope to see replaying themselves in the MDC. ZANU-PF suffers from three decades of the same leadership and is trapped in a succession crisis after Mr Mugabe continues to succeed himself."

Chamisa said the state media, particularly The Herald newspaper, has become dangerous to peace and stability in Zimbabwe.

"As it continues to poison the minds of the people, fomenting division and fertilising genocide. It is unimaginable how the state media has been posting falsehoods across the whole country meant to injure the unity, standing and integrity of the MDC. The intention is to caricature the MDC, portraying it in negative light, as a party that flip flops and is unpatriotic," Chamisa said. "The fact is that all the headlines in The Herald emanate from ZANU- PF dark offices and faceless sources that are in pain to see MDC in full life in the context of a dying, if not dead, ZANU-PF.

"Instead of focusing on fiction, The Herald should dwell on the unprecedented kleptocracy and pilfering of assets in the name of farm mechanisation."

He said the MDC celebrates media pluralism and a diversity of opinions based on true facts.

Chamisa said President Mugabe was a perfect candidate for democratic and constitutional ouster.

"Mr Mugabe is a pain not only for the country but for his own party. For the record, the so-called MDC hawks do not hunt internally, their hunting grounds are located in ZANU-PF territories," said Chamisa.

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