
Saturday, November 08, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Hail the Post newspapers - Sansakuwa

Hail the Post newspapers - Sansakuwa
November 8, 2008

An MMD party official in Kafue says the party should give credit to the Post newspaper for having made it work hard through the stories it used to publish up to the run up of the presidential elections.

MMD district party chairman Goodson Sansakuwa said in Kafue Saturday that the ruling party should consider itself lucky that it was able to win the presidential elections as the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) really gave them a good campaign.

Mr. Sansakuwa said as a party it has learnt lessons on how the electorate view the ruling MMD. He said if it was not for the stories the post were publishing about the MMD, it would not have been easy to plan and strategize well for the its campaigns and win the elections.

He said he was happy that the MMD, despite the negative publicity by the the private daily, was able to turn them into positives. He said the MMD will from now on work hard to ensure it revisits its manifesto to woe more support.

Mr. Sansakuwa who is also Kafue district council chairman said the party in the district has set out a programme in which it will start planning for the 2011 elections.

He said despite some members defecting to the opposition, the party in the district was strong and will not allow outsiders to win the people.

Mr. Sansakuwa appealed to Republic President Rupiah Banda to fulfill the promises made during campaigns. He said the MMD will only win the 2011 elections if it fulfills its promises.

Mr. Sansakuwa also appealed to the national executive committee to start visiting members on the ground instead of only staying in Lusaka. He said many members at grassroots level are not happy with the way the top leadership in the party are treating branch members.

He said the NEC should find time to tour branch officials as these are the ones who campaign for them most of the time. He said the MMD has a huge task of working hard so that new issues are raised and people’s interests in elections are revived.

The district official also called on the party to revive its manifesto so that it is tailored to the current needs of the Zambian people. He said the current manifesto is proving to be not helpful in addressing what the Zambian people want.


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