
Saturday, November 08, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Peasant farmer nabbed for growing cannabis

COMMENT - Legalize it. Weed is far less harmful alcohol and tobacco, and is less toxic than aspirine. Remember that it was made illegal because hemp was a huge competitor to both Willian Randolph Hearst's (woodpulp based) newspaper monopoly and it's direct rival, cotton and it's twin, the petro-chemical industry. Hemp requires virtually no pesticides or fertilizer, while the cotton industry soaks up 25% of the world's agricultural chemicals. Oh and by the way, Zambia (and Malawi and Tanzania) have some of the best weed in the world.

Peasant farmer nabbed for growing cannabis
November 8, 2008

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) , has arrested a 54 years peasant farmer of Fisongo village in chief Nawaitwika ‘s area in Kasama for illegal cultivation of marijuana.

Disclosing this in a statement to ZANIS, Saturday, DEC spokesperson Rosten Chulu said DEC together with Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) arrested the villager and was charged with unlawful cultivation of marijuana

Mr Chulu said another 125kg and two checked polythene bags containing cannabis were seized on a Lusaka bound Germins bus.

Mr Chulu said it was for this reason that DEC has commended the bus service crew’s for their cooperation leading to the arrest of the suspect.

He has since urged other bus operators whose buses are being used as vessels to transport illegal drugs to desist from doing so and emulate Germins Bus service crew in their alertness to fight the drug scourge.


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