
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

MDC accuses ZANU-PF of downplaying food crisis

COMMENT - The MDC is using famine as a political football. Which combined with their reliance on sanctions against Zimbabwe, does not bode well for how they would govern. How can the MDC complain about the food situation, when they cannot or will not get sanctions lifted? Also, their calling the present ministers 'victitious', is more playing politics.

MDC accuses ZANU-PF of downplaying food crisis
Written by George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:34:11 PM

ZANU-PF is in denial that the food situation in the country has reached critical levels, MDC spokesperson Nelson Chamisa has said. Chamisa yesterday accused the ruling party of playing games with the people's suffering.

"The MDC is deeply disturbed by the utterances made this week by a senior ZANU-PF official that non-governmental organisations were hoarding food aid in order to misrepresent the food situation in the country," Chamisa said.

"The MDC notes with concern that the statement made by Rugare Gumbo, purporting to be the Minister of Agriculture on Wednesday show that ZANU-PF is still in denial that the food situation in the country has reached very critical levels."

He said Gumbo could not purport to be a minister.

"There is no government in Zimbabwe and Gumbo cannot use a fictitious position to mislead the nation that the hunger in Zimbabwe is being exaggerated. For the record, this is a clear ZANU-PF position with regards to the issue of hunger in the country," Chamisa said. "The self-styled minister denies that Zimbabweans are eating wild fruits, adding that the people have been doing this since 'time immemorial.' Gumbo should tell the nation when he last had his supper of wild fruits and where ZANU-PF members are enjoying their wild fruit meals.

"This is a reckless statement, which confirms that the elite in ZANU-PF have taken permanent resident status in cloud cuckoo land."

Chamisa said throughout the country, Zimbabweans are competing with wild animals to eat wild fruits as unprecedented starvation stalks the countryside.

"It is just unheard of that a person who purports to be in charge of food distribution thinks that it is acceptable to eat wild fruits just because the practise has been in existence since time immemorial," Chamisa said.

"This is reducing the people to the primitive days of over 300 years ago. Because of ZANU-PF, Zimbabwe has gone back 10 generations back to primitive communities of hunters and gatherers."

He said in recent months, the MDC has had unbelievable reports even from the state media of people in the rural areas dying after consuming wild fruits and going for days without any food.

"In some cases they have to fight with animals to get the scarce wild fruits, yet ZANU-PF says this is not true and instead blames the NGOs for putting the lives of the people at risk," Chamisa said.

Chamisa said the ZANU-PF regime is responsible for the massive starvation.
"Even the state media has published reports of senior ZANU-PF and government officials stealing grain from the Grain Marketing Board. In fact, it is these corrupt sharks and tigers in the GMB that are diverting grain that is meant for the people to the lucrative black market where it fetches high prices, which most of the rural and urban people cannot afford," said Chamisa.

"It is wishful thinking that these donor organisations can bring in food into the country then lock it up just to please the international media. Gumbo's statements show how ZANU-PF is out of touch with reality. ZANU-PF is burying its head in the sand rather than declaring the situation a national disaster and forming an inclusive government."

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