
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monze DACO bemoans delay in launch of FSP

Monze DACO bemoans delay in launch of FSP
Written by George Zulu in Monze
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:38:49 PM

THE department of agriculture and cooperatives in Monze has said the delay in the launch of the Fertiliser Support Programme (FSP)
will delay the distribution exercise of farming inputs.

In an interview, acting Monze district agriculture Coordinator Dr Phanewel Nyimba said the delay in the launch of the programme would affect the distribution programme which was supposed to have taken place sometime back.

“The delay in the launch of the FSP in Monze will affect the farming season. We have not yet distributed the inputs and we are worried because of the onset of the rains. Roads are impassable in rural areas where the inputs are needed most,” he said.
Dr Nyimba said the onset of the rains would make the distribution and transportation of the inputs difficult, especially in far flung areas where roads were in a deplorable state.

“We need to speed up the whole process of the launch of the FSP programme; we have some inputs lying in the sheds, at least if we can start with places which are difficult to reach then we can put our worries to rest,” he said.

Dr Nyimba also disclosed that Monze district had not yet received 11 000 by 50 kg bags of basal fertiliser which he said was important in the agricultural system in the country.

He said 43,720 bags of both basal and top dressing had been received so far, adding that the district has about 360 by 10kg bags of excess seed. The launch of the FSP is scheduled for Thursday this week and Monze has been allocated 54, 720 by 50 kg bags of fertiliser.

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