Monday, November 10, 2008

MMD failed to explain successes, says Mangani

MMD failed to explain successes, says Mangani
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Monday, November 10, 2008 7:50:04 AM

CHIPATA Central MMD member of parliament Lameck Mangani has said the MMD faced a lot of resents in the just-ended presidential election because it has failed to explain what it has done for the country.

And former Chipangali UNIP member of parliament Lucas Phiri questioned Mangani to explain what MMD has done in rural areas when people were still wallowing in poverty.

In an interview yesterday, Mangani, who is also Lusaka Province minister, said people in MMD should not feel shy to explain what the ruling party has done.

“From the results we got in the elections, people do not seem to appreciate what MMD has done in this country and because of this failure to explain, people think that we have done nothing which is not true,” Mangani said.

He said MMD had built over 40 secondary schools across the country and that there were a number of developmental activities that were going on in the country.

Very soon government will sign a contract for the tarring of township roads in Chipata, government has funded community schools in Chipata and many other projects are going on, now when people see these developmental activities, they think that they are natural they are not marrying them to the MMD government which is in place, so we have not done enough marketing in the party,” Mangani said.

He urged Zambians to focus on real developmental programmes and not politics.

“The rainy season has just started so we need to look at various issues, like in Lusaka, we need to look at how we can address the issues of floods, in rural areas government has sent graders so we should look at how we can best make use of them. I think the 2009 budget aspect should also preoccupy us now,” said Mangani.

But Phiri said MMD has done nothing in the last seventeen years apart from increasing poverty levels.

“Mangani comes from the rural setup, can he explain what MMD has done to the people in these areas? MMD has failed to provide markets in rural areas, MMD has failed to provide boreholes in rural areas, bridges like Msandire in Chipangali was washed away in 2006 but it has not been fixed to date, the water crisis in Chadiza, the Zesco load shedding, government only increases workers salaries when people go on strike, what is he talking about?” Phiri asked.

He said people have seen worse things in MMD than in the UNIP government.

“Why are nurses and teachers refusing to work in rural areas now but they were accepting to work in rural areas during the UNIP time? Most rural MPs are failing to visit their constituencies because they have failed to fulfill their promises,” said Phiri.

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