Monday, November 24, 2008

Nawakwi is the biggest problem - Sata

Nawakwi is the biggest problem - Sata
Written by Allan Mulenga
Monday, November 24, 2008 8:17:51 PM

OPPOSITION Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata on Monday charged that Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi is the biggest problem among the opposition political parties.

And UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma has advised Nawakwi to concentrate on organising her party rather than accusing the opposition of engaging in petty politics.

Commenting on Nawakwi's statement that political parties should help find solutions to the problems facing the country instead of dwelling on petty personal attacks, Sata claimed that Nawakwi abandoned the opposition and joined the MMD campaign team because of her selfish interests.

"What can Nawakwi advise us on how well to participate in the development of the country, when she abandoned her own party and pleaded for a job from Rupiah Bwezani Banda," he said. "She joined the MMD campaign team to work as a 'cadreless', giving Rupiah mineral water whilst addressing rallies."

Sata said the behaviour of politicians like Nawakwi had lowered the integrity of the opposition in the country.

"It is people like her [Nawakwi] who have dented the image of opposition political parties," he charged.

Sata said the PF were concerned about the high prices of mealie meal, fertilizer and fuel in the country and not petty politics.

And Kakoma said contrary to Nawakwi's utterances, no serious political party could be interested in petty politics.

"Nobody will be interested in petty politics. We are in politics for serious business. When we talk about poverty that is affecting our people you can't equate that to petty politics. We don't really understand what she means by saying that we are not concerned about the welfare of the people," he said.

Kakoma charged that Nawakwi should not blame other political parties if her party had failed to deliver to the people's expectations.

"I don't really know what Nawakwi meant by saying that we should raise the level of politics by dealing with real issues and start offering solutions to challenges that face the country, but all what I know is that Zambian politics mean business to the people," he said.

Kakoma said the opposition had been raising real issues that affect Zambians, saying the current high mealie-meal and fertilizer prices had been on top of their agenda.

"We have been addressing real issues that are affecting Zambians; of late the opposition has been questioning why fertilizer prices can rise to K250,000 per 50 Kg bag. We have also raised issues concerning the sky-rocketing mealie-meal prices," he said.

Kakoma advised Nawakwi to lead by example and see the seriousness with which the opposition had attached to the problems affecting the country.

On Sunday according to the Times of Zambia, Nawakwi challenged the political parties to help find solutions to the problems facing the country instead of dwelling on petty personal attacks.

Nawakwi said politicians should raise the level of politics by dealing with real issues and offering solutions to challenges that face the country.

Nawakwi said it was sad that some politicians were thriving on petty politics of lies, personal hatred and political rhetoric instead of convincing the people on how best to address the various problems affecting the country.

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