
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zapu revival, a headache for the MDC

Zapu revival, a headache for the MDC
Petros Makahamadze – Opinion
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 22:36:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – The breakaway faction of PF Zapu presents a dilemma, not for Zanu PF, but for the Movement for Democratic Change party who have won elections in Matabeleland since 2000.

The MDC should realize that their reign in Matabeleland is coming to an end if this faction ever regroups and is strong enough to make a mark.

PF Zapu and Zanu PF share the same roots and concerns. They might have their disagreements, but the history of the struggle for Zimbabwe binds them. Their ideologies are also not very different, that’s why they have been able to work in harmony for the last 21 years.

In any case the two parties are now inseparable. Their structures have been cemented over the two decades the Unity Accord has existed. They were never separated by regionalism or tribalism as many people would like us to believe.

The late Dr Joshua Nkomo even testified to this in an BBC interview with Jeremy Paxman in 1983.

These two parties have a solid history and respect the national question before any other question. They both despise imperialism and neo-colonialism and can never be subservient to Western interests.

Those people in the media fraternity who are trying to score points by overplaying the divisions within the united Zanu PF should consider the elements involved in the “resuscitation” of PF Zapu.

Zapu has never completely died. There has always been a faction of Zapu alive somewhere and this renewed effort is backed by individuals who are not in the mainstream unity agreement of 1987.

Paul Siwela’s super-Zapu has existed for a long time, but it never threatened the 1987 Unity Accord.

Dumiso Dabengwa will be a lone figure should this latest antic of his fails to take off. I do not see how it will take off. Former PF Zapu elements currently in Zanu PF would be out of their minds to walk away after 21 years.

After failing to score any successes with Dr Simba Makoni, Dabengwa’s desperation is now showing and is clouding his better judgment. What exactly will he be benefiting from the revival of PF Zapu, except to make a symbolic political gesture?

PF Zapu elements pushing for the revival of the party are no major threat to the 1987 Unity Accord. They have been in the political wilderness for a long time.

People like Welshman Mabhena (former Zapu secretary general), former war veterans’ leader Andrew Ndlovu, former government minister Thenjiwe Lesabe, Effort Nkomo and Tryphine Nhliziyo are not individuals that could threaten the 1987 agreement. They are all desperate for relevance in Zimbabwean politics.

If they ever become big, which I doubt very much, they will only threaten Tsvangirai’s dominance in Matabeleland, but can never threaten the united Zanu PF, if truth is to be told.

Petros Makahamadze

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